Chapter 16

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A/N: I wrote so much out but it disappeared. I'm so mad aaaaaaaaaa

She finally heaved out a breath, her face scrunching up in pain that was coursing through her. Trying to reach for the button which she couldn't find, the door suddenly bursted open to reveal Jungkook catching her by surprise.

"Kookie?" Her eyes were wide but she was still attempting to find her button but she felt the sharp pain again as she couldn't hold in a whimper. Jungkook was by her side in an instant, helping her back up into a comfortable position laying down.

"Thanks Kookie.." she sighed as she saw him dip down to her right side of the bed near all the equipment to reach for a button that had fallen to the floor.

"Is this what you're looking for?" He handed it to Hana and got back up.

"Yes, thank you" she immediately pressed it and Sena would enter the room soon. She had many questions but she was too distracted by the pain to worry about them right now.

When Sena entered, she quickly went by her side as Jungkook moved out of the way to stand near the bottom of her bed. He stood there worried as Hana whimpered in pain again.

"I'll go get Dr Jaehyun okay Hana" Sena quickly got up and nodded at Kook before looking for the doctor. Not long after they returned, Jaehyun nodded at the boy before directing his attention to Hana immediately.

"Hana, are you in pain?" He asked and she nodded profusely.

"Alright. Jungkook, are you sure you want to stay in the room?"

The question caught the boy off guard and all he did was nod.

Sena went by Jungkooks side as Jaehyun was using his stethoscope on her. "Are you sure you want to see her like this?" She kindly asked the boy again to which he responded.

"I'm sure, I want to be here for her." His eyes never left her as she started to tear up from the pain. He had left the room earlier because he wanted to make some calls. He had gotten permission from Dr Jaehyun and his manager to be able to stay the night with Hana. He left a message for his hyungs so that they wouldn't worry about him.

Jaehyun started to lift Hana's shirt a little to reveal a gruesome looking bruise on her lower abdomen. Honestly Jungkook felt like he shouldn't be seeing this but he couldn't take his eyes off of her. His head was swimming with thoughts of concern for her he didn't realize his hands were in a fist, gripping tightly.

A sharp squeal came from the girl as the doctor had to inject something into her bruise. It must hurt so much, he thought. He couldn't help but move to her side to sit in a chair to hold her hand tightly. She immediately gripped his hand with so much force that was not possible for a girl as frail as she was. It must feel so painful. He couldn't even imagine how she could have suppressed this when everyone else was around before. He stayed with her through the whole process until he guessed the painkillers finally kicked in and he felt her hand and body relax, her eyes being lulled to sleep at they shut.

"You did well Hana" he spoke softly, he didn't realize he was breathing heavily.

"No, you did well Jungkook." Jaehyun looked at the boy and smiled. "I'm very thankful you were willing to see her through this, it must've been a lot for you"

Jungkook shook his head, beads of sweat were formed on his forehead from the stress about what happened. "I wanted to be here." He insisted. Jaehyun was proud of this young boy, he was glad Hana had made some good friends.

"Don't force yourself okay?" He pat the boys shoulder. "I'll ask Sena to set up the spare bed. You'll probably have to move from that spot for us to wheel it in" he motioned towards Jungkook side of the bed as he got up, gently removing his hand away from Hana's to stand at the end of the bed again.

"It was nice to meet you again Jungkook. Thank you for wanting to stay by her side." Jaehyun held his hand out to shake Jungkooks which he gladly returned.

Jungkook caught sight of Jaehyun's full name on his name tag, before realizing.

"Wait, are you her brother..?" He suddenly asked before realizing how rude it would be.

Jaehyun just chuckled. "Yes I'm her brother. We're not related by blood but she's the only younger sister I would have ever wanted" he looked at the girl passed out endearingly. "Try to get some rest Alright? You need it." He pat the boys shoulder again before leaving the room.

By this time, Sena had come in with another nurse to wheel in his extra bed. He bowed in thank you at them.

"I have a feeling we'd have to permanently keep this bed in here. All of you boys are now requesting to stay over some nights" she laughed a little earning a blush from Jungkook. "Don't be embarrassed, I should be thanking you all, now our dear Hana won't ever feel alone again. Specially since she has seven handsome boys wanting to spend time with her." She laughed herself out the door.

He was left in silence, face still flushed but the sounds of beeping of the heart monitor in the room. He slowly went back to Hana's side, he sat on the bed next to her feeling it was still too far, he got up and pushed it closer to her bed, careful not to bump it. Climbing over he settled next to her, laying on his side observing her beautiful features. He couldn't help but trail his finger on the length of her cute button nose and to gently push strands of her hair to tuck them behind her ear.

The room was dark and the moonlight lit her face just enough to make her look like an angel, her skin was like porcelain similar to Yoongi's complexion. She had a small beauty mark much like his near her lips but closer to the right. He found it adorable. He sighed as recent events came tumbling back into his mind. She was so strong in front of them, she didn't want to show how she really felt and that saddened him. Since when he entered the room earlier, his eyes fixated on her state, he knew he wanted to be by her side tonight. He didn't want to leave her alone.

He didn't want her to hide her suffering from them but he also didn't want to see her suffer. His heart ached but he quickly pushed those thoughts out of the way. All he wanted to do was make her feel comfortable and happy much like his hyungs. But there was something about her that really struck a chord within him. Something that he too couldn't place but all he knew was that he wanted to be with her more than ever.

By her side through anything.

She shifted a little and now she was facing him. Her eyes were still shut and he was so relieved she wasn't showing signs of pain anymore. He couldn't believe she was hiding such a bruise under her layer of clothes. Looking at her like this, she just seemed like any other girl. A girl so bright and much like a sunflower even through the hardships she goes through. His resolve was stronger than ever as he reached for her hand and tangled his fingers with hers gently. He listened to her soft breathing as he too, ended up closing his eyes and falling asleep, a memory of her face in his mind through the night.

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