Chapter 9

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The sunlight was shining through the blinds of her room as she slowly blinked awake, realizing someone was holding her right hand softly. She peered through sleepy eyes at a fluffy head of dark brown laying on the bed, one hand tangled with hers. His creamy soft skin and baby face was difficult not to smile at. She gently stroked her thumb over his hand causing him to stir a little, she hoped he didn't wake up. Reaching out with her other hand she wanted to touch his soft locks, as if inviting for her to but she hesitated.

"You can touch my hair, I don't mind" Yoongi murmured into the sheets causing Hana to retract her hand.

"I-I thought you were asleep" she replied

"I was asleep but I felt you move, it's okay." He now propped his chin onto his other hand on the bed to face her. His mouth in a naturally cute pout looking up at her. "Go on, I know you want to touch my hair" he smirked up at her a little earning a small blush to appear on her cheeks. Her hand slowly moving to his hair again before singing into his soft strands.

"Wow.. your hair is so soft and silky" she mused earning a gummy smile from Yoongi. She realized he seemed more relaxed when it was just two of them. I guess it's easier to concentrate on each other when there wasn't another person interrupting. She did prefer to have one on one conversations more, it felt more personal.

She peered at her clock on the side of the bed, only to see 8am.

"Yoongi, why are you here so early?" She looked back up at him stretching his arms into the air letting out a yawn.

"I came half an hour ago, I stayed up all night writing songs. I thought might as well come here early" he relaxed in his seat before reaching for my hand again. She realized the boys like this simple interaction. This simple touch of hands that send comfort to both of them and she didn't mind it one bit.

"Yoongi isn't it your day off? You should have just slept at home." She flustered and quickly wondered what to do before she shifted to her left, leaving ample space on her right before patting the spot.

"I see those dark circles Yoongi, you can't hide from me" she pulled his hand to get him to climb onto the bed next to her. "Come on, we can both nap together. 8am is still too early" she smiled up at the confused boy before he nodded silently, kicking off his shoes before gently climbing onto the bed making sure he wouldn't hurt Hana in the process.

"Don't worry, I'm feeling much better. There's hardly an ache anymore."She smiled up at him facing him on the right. She realized then how small she felt with Yoongi so close. Her bed wasn't big at all so they had to be pretty close.

"Are you sure you're comfortable like this?" He whispered feeling her ears tingle from his voice.

"I should be asking you that." She giggled up at him noticing how he seemed tense not to touch or go near her. "It's okay, you can relax Yoongi, come closer you're going to fall off." She shifted so he could have more pillow room until she realized.
"Oh, uhm sorry. You don't have to if you don't want to Yoongi" he must feel too uncomfortable being around her. He hadn't known her for long so why would he be comfortable sharing a bed?

Before she could say anything more she felt an arm wrap around her, pulling her closer to his chest. The other arm sliding beneath her neck. She was taken by surprise, completely flustered by this.

"You're going to fall off the bed if you keep floundering around like that" he murmured into her hair, sleepiness evident in his voice. She was a red tomato at this point. How was she even able to go back to sleep like this? Shifting slightly to get comfortable, the two were now tangled around each other, her arm now rests around his middle, both hugging each other on the bed. She felt dizzy, was this going too fast? She didn't know. "Please let me know if I hurt you, or if you hurt anywhere" he murmured before she could hear a soft snore.

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