Chapter 52

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"I love you Hana."

To say the least, Hana couldn't sleep that night. After they ended the call she laid awake in bed, going over their conversation they just had in her head over and over again.

This isn't real.

She picked up her phone again, seeing the previous call lasting for about an hour with Namjoon. She flopped her hand back down on the bed again.

It's real Hana, they all like you and Namjoon even said he loves you.

"What the fuck." She breathed out. She rarely swore but this really was the perfect time to. The biggest international stars, her absolute favorite K-pop idols, All seven abnormally handsome men had romantic feelings for her. No, it couldn't be true, could it?

In a huff she picked her phone back up again, 3am it read.

Yoongi has to be up.

She took her chances and messaged him. She needed to confirm something or she really wasn't going to survive the night.

Hana: Yoongi Oppa, are you up?

Clicking send, she waited patiently however several minutes passed, he was probably asleep. With a big sigh she decided to try her best to sleep again until her phone lit up the room. Immediately scrambling for it she squinted her eyes are the bright screen.

Yoongi: Sorry I was in the bathroom, what's up Hana?..

She read the notification and opened the message.

Yoongi: Why aren't you asleep yet? Is everything okay?

She smiled at his concern, they really were so sweet to her, especially Yoongi.

Hana: I'm alright Yoongi oppa, there's actually something I want to ask.. I recently spoke to Namjoon oppa tonight and there's some things on my mind that are keeping me awake.

Yoongi: sure, go ahead.

Hana took a deep breath and started typing.

Hana: do you.. like me?

Her heart was beating hard in her chest. Was she being too forward? She didn't know. If Yoongi didn't like her then what Namjoon said was a little vague on who but if he did then did all of them like her too?

Namjoon did say all of them.

She gulped, finally seeing Yoongi's reply.

Yoongi: of course I like you Hana.

She cocked her head to the side, maybe he misunderstood the question.

Hana: I didn't mean like as a friend I meant like.. as romantically?

After a few moments pass, and not even a '...' indicating he was typing she was getting nervous.

I guess Namjoon was being vague.

She started typing to apologize for stepping too far but suddenly her phone started buzzing, she nearly dropped her phone on her face.

'Incoming call from Yoongi'

Her eyes went wide and answered.

"H-hello?" She couldn't keep her voice steady, She was too nervous.

"Hey Hana." His deep voice rumbled in her ears, oh how she missed hearing his voice but something sounded different, She kept quiet, unsure what to say to him. Usually she could hear the soft taps of his keyboard in the background but this time it was quiet, just some small shuffles of fabric. Then something dawned upon her.

"Did I wake you oppa?" She asked.

"Ah.. you realized? Don't worry Hana, I was the one to call you." He chuckled and shifted around more, now she could really hear the sleep in his voice.

"No- no but you need your sleep. We can just talk about it some other time okay—?"

"No Hana, really it's fine." He spoke, as a yawn made it halfway through his sentence. She felt bad, Sleep was so important to Yoongi and she interrupted it.

"I just wanted to call because I didn't think it would be right to text it to you." He spoke again, seriously this time. She listened intently waiting for him to continue.

"Yes Hana, I knew what you meant when you asked the first time." His voice was sounding less sleepy but it still kept his deep tone. "I do like you, a lot. And I know it isn't the wisest thing and I get that you know that too but, I'm also guessing Namjoon said that we all felt the same way and I'm guessing you needed someone to talk to to confirm it."

Yoongi was spot on with everything, even in his half sleepy state she realized why he was such a genius. He could empathize and really understand emotions well, she was at a lost of words so she just listened.

"Please don't worry about us Hana, it was our choice, and we all knew what it entailed. But that doesn't mean we want to give up on you." His words was exactly what she wanted to hear, her tears were unstoppable now, like a dam that just broke loose.

He could hear her cry on the other end of the line as he rolled to lay on his back in bed, seeing his room bathed in the moonlight. Much like Namjoon, he hated to hear her cry when he couldn't be there for her.

"You don't hate us for that, do you Hana?"  He spoke softly.

"No, no.. of course not. Im so happy but I'm just— confused. I feel like I don't deserve it." She honestly said through her tears as she desperately tried wiping them away.

"Hana.." his voice was so gentle, she had to remind herself that she was on the call with Yoongi, the one who was always deemed cold and grumpy by many, but she never thought that about him.

"You deserve the world Hana. If I could give it to you I would."

He was so sincere, she couldn't help but cry more. Everything crashed down on her in that moment. She loved Yoongi, she loved Namjoon, she loved all of them and they were her world.

I want to live.

"You are my world oppa." She sobbed. "All of you."

Yoongi couldn't stand it anymore, hearing her sobs, his hand was in a fist as he gripped his phone tight.

"Hana, I need to hang up. I won't be long okay?" He suddenly said.

"Oh..okay." She disappointedly spoke.

"I promise I won't be long, hang in there okay? Give me.. 10 minutes." He reassured her.

"Okay oppa." She agreed as he hung up. Confused, she didn't know what to do.
Tears still threatens to fall, she couldn't sleep and just waited for Yoongi to call back. Not even ten minutes later, she heard a knock on her door.

"C-come in." She hesitated wiping her eyes, not knowing who would come to check on her if not Sena who would just walk in anyway.

"Yoongi?" She went wide eyed, seeing the all black classes boy walk in, he was breathing hard as if he had been running.

"What are you doing here—"

She was suddenly engulfed into a tight hug, he pulled her as close to him as possible as if she was going to disappear at any moment. He nestled his face into her hair, breathing in her gentle scent he missed so much. Slowly she wrapped her arms around him, holding him just as tight. She didn't realize how much she needed this as she broke into uncontrollable sobs.

"Let it out Hana.." he softly whispered in her ear as he stroked her head gently.

"Im right here, I'm not going anywhere." He cooed and assured her as she continued to cry into his chest.

All this time she held in her biggest fear, the impending doom that awaited her day by day, and just when she wanted to live..

"I'm never leaving you Hana, I promise."

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