Chapter 55

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They had arrived at Big Hit Entertainment, she was so excited to see the behind the scenes work, something many couldn't experience unless it was recorded and even then, they had to put on their stage personas and be wary of what they would say on the camera.  This time they could just be themselves and that was the exciting part for her.

"Good Afternoon Hana, Nurse Sena." Manager Sejin nodded kindly to the both of them as they bowed their heads in hello.

"Morning." Hana said kindly but soft, Sena decided to come for the day because Hana would be out til evening and they couldn't chance her being in a large crowd without someone to look after her.

"Thank you for allowing us to be here." Sena bows as Hana got the hint to do so too.

"Oh please it's no problem!  We're happy to have you here. Maybe Hana would motivate the boys to work harder." He cackled a little before composing himself clearing his throat.

"Anyway, please get comfortable. If you need any assistance just ask for any of the staff here. If you need me? Then I won't be too far." He smiled before leaning in to whisper into Hana's ear.

"PD Nim says his sincere personal thanks for convincing the boys to do this. It would be great publicity for their upcoming tour."

She was surprised and shy'ed away a little but nodded anyway.

"Alright, you already know the place so please help yourself. The boys will be in the practice room and then we're onto fitting once everything's ready." He smiled widely, Manager Sejin seems a little too happy today she thought but it was a nice change. He nodded them farewell to get back to business.

"Thanks for coming Sena." Hana looked up at her nurse as she pushes her to the boys practice room.

"Never have to thank me Hana, it's always a pleasure to see you happy." She smiled down at the girl, Hana was like the daughter she never had. "Plus your brother has asked me personally to look out for you. He maybe happy about you having lots of friends now but he's still your over protective brother." She lifted her eyes brows knowingly.

"Tell Jaehyun Oppa I'm an adult now." She pouted but chuckled anyway. She missed her brother so much, he had visited her once In a while but it was different since she couldn't see him every day anymore. Dr Hyun woo wasn't too bad though; he was just, not her brother.

"Alright I'll drop you off here dear. I'll just be right next door alright?" Sena winked again her before opening the doors to reveal the boys.

"Hana!" Jimin smiled widely and made his way to her. "Thank you Sena Noona, I can take it from here." He graciously offered.

"You boys be good to her." She says sternly as they all quickly bow in respect. "Though I know you already are." She teased before chuckling to herself and walking away.

Jimin took Sena's place behind Hana as he helped push her wheelchair in.

"Thank you Jimin." She looked up at him, his fringe flopping as he walked.

He beamed down at her and kissed her forehead. "You're most welcome." He wheeled her to the back seating area that had snacks and drinks.
"Just let me know if you need anything and I'll get it for you okay?" He sweetly offered before he got back to the others to practice.

From the music lineup that played, they were only doing a three song set. She guessed there were probably other performers too. She watched as their dance teacher helped them remember and perfect the steps again so that they were ready for tonight. The lineup seemed tiring but it felt suitable for summer, it started off with DNA, then Airplane pt.2 and lastly finished it off with IDOL.

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