Chapter 39

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Once they reached the private dining room where they once sat on their first meeting, she was rolled into a spot between Yoongi, and Taehyung took his spot on the right side of her. She thanked Jungkook and Taehyung for helping her.

"Uhm, I really hope you like the food." She softly spoke, playing with the fabric of her clothes, looking down shyly.

Each of them noticed they had different bowls and plates of food set out in front of them, each possibly similar to one another but at the same time not.

"I did a lot of research and I really do hope I got it right." She shyly chuckled to herself nervously.

"Hana, I'm sure anything you make would be delicious." Jin was kind enough to speak up, the others just far too amazed by their spread.

"Are these, specific to our hometowns?" Namjoon was curiously smelling the closed lids of the dishes in front of him.

Hana hummed, agreeing with Namjoons statement. "Please dig in." She offered.

"What about you? Aren't you eating?" Yoongi asked, seeing as she had no dishes in front of her.

"Ah I ate beforehand, don't worry about me." She nervously said. It was true, she didn't want to eat in front of them because she couldn't even lift her hands, she had to be fed by Sena everyday and it would have been too embarrassing for her.

From across the table Jungkook looked at her with sad eyes, probably guessing why she couldn't eat with them.

"Alright well, let's dig in." Namjoon smiled graciously at Hana, "thank you again for this!"  The others followed with thank you's after and proceeded to eat.

Lifting up the lid of the bowl, Taehyung instantly knew what it was. He quickly turned his head to Hana, surprise and tears beading up in his eyes.

"Hana, where did you learn how to make this." He spoke softly in his husky voice.

Once the others had unveiled their dishes, a few of them gasped at the familiarity of the smells and visuals of the dishes in front of them.

Nervously biting her lip she met Tae's eyes and smiled sweetly at all of them. "I had manager Sejin help me. This was something I've always wanted to do for all of you, so I had prepared this for a few weeks prior." She paused a little analyzing their expressions, "since I wasn't able to actually make them myself today, I just helped with the taste testing and just hope I got them right." She chuckled.

"I got Manager Sejin to help me contact each your families to get a childhood recipe that all of you would remember from each of your hometowns." She looked down again, unable to meet their gazes.

"Taehyung," she looked up at him, "yours was the hardest to make but, I hope I at least did your grandmothers cooking some justice."

Taehyung finally broke into tears and reached out for the fragile girl, kneeling down on the floor and hugging her as gently as he could but buried his face into her neck. His grandmother had sadly passed away so he thought he'd never taste her cooking again.

"Tae it's okay," she cooed "Please don't cry, I wanted all of you to be happy. Plus I don't even know whether I got it right." She tried to calm him down, she too had tears in her eyes because she always felt like crying whenever any one of them did.

"I am happy Hana, this means so much to me. Thank you." Taehyung sobbed into her shirt.

All the boys were so touched by her, they never expected something so sentimental and nostalgic. Slowly, Jin helped pull Taehyung off her because she was starting to feel his weight on her and it was too much for her frail body. She silently thanked Jin.

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