29. Love Expert

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"So, how is she like?" I asked Taehyung as he began to search his bag for the apartment keys. After begging and kneeling down for almost half an hour back in the office, Taehyung allowed me to come with him. 

"She is nice," he muttered and I scowled at him. Is that all about her? I need more details. This child, who we are dealing with, is Suga's and Hobi's, "She can be a bit noisy and weird, but other than that she is a sweet girl." 

Well, she wouldn't be that bad, right? He finally got the keys out of his bag and unlocked the door. Just as he opened the door, a creature suddenly came out from inside the house and jumped on Taehyung, making him fall down on the floor and making me jump from fright.

"TAEHYUNGIE!" the creature yelled with joy and hugged the life out of him, "I missed you so so so so so so so much!"

Taehyung laughed and patted the creature—I mean, the human girl's head, "I missed you too, Ara."

"Ara?" I said and suddenly the girl's eyes darted towards me and it looked...creepy! It was like she was studying my soul or something. What was she? A sin detector or a personality checker?

"Taehyungie," she mumbled and pointed at me with her index finger, "Is that your boyfriend?"

Huh? Oh! Nice. Yes! Yes! Yes! I am his—

"HUH?!" Taehyung gasped and shook his head, "N-N-No! He is just a f-f-friend." Ouch!

"Oh, I see," she said and jumped off of Taehyung and walked towards me, "Hello Taehyung's boyfriend, my name is Ara."

"HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Taehyung yelled and she simply ignored him. Whereas for me, I was enjoying all of this and internally laughing at his every reaction. I patted her head and smiled, "My name is Jungkook."

"Oh! So you are the idiot which Papa keeps talking about," she said. WHAT?! "But you don't look like an idiot." What a nice girl!

"Your father must be telling lies. I am a very smart person and pretty handsome too," I nervously chuckled and looked away. I am going to kill them. I wonder who in the heck told that. I bet Suga hyung told her all of that. In what way am I an idiot?

"Anyways, Ara," Taehyung got up and took her hand in his, "Let's go inside. It is going to turn dark soon, so we better hurry up."

She nodded and walked in with Taehyung. I followed them inside and closed the door behind me. I tossed the bag on the sofa and sat down. I was so tired. I just want to sleep now, but I can't. Work exists in my life and it just can't seem to leave me alone.

"If you are feeling tired, you can go and rest now," I saw Taehyung standing in front of me and he scowled at the state I was in, "You look so dead."

"It's okay," I grinned and took out my laptop, "I can rest when I finish this shit."

"No cursing in front of kids," Taehyung scolded me and I nodded. I went back to typing away on my laptop and suddenly I felt another creature's presence next to me. I turned to the side and saw Ara munching on some chocolate she had found in the fridge.

"Hi?" I said, but she didn't reply back. Maybe she doesn't want to talk to me at all and just wants to eat the delicious chocolate in front of me. I sighed and went back to doing my work, when suddenly I felt her tug my sleeves, "What is it?"

"Are you really Taehyung's boyfriend?" she asked me and I smiled. I kept the laptop down on the table in front of me and turned towards her.

"I am his fake boyfriend," I said and a look of puzzlement crossed her face. She probably didn't get that. Obviously.

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