6. My Roachie

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Taehyung is my personal assistant!? My mind was messed up and I had no clue what just happened. His mother just came up to me and sweetly asked me to take in Taehyung. I did not want to reject her because of that kick she gave me seven years back, so I had to accept it. Anyways, I will be going back to America soon and I will soon be away from him.

Right now we were seated in my car and were driving to my office. I looked at him and he was fidgeting with his fingers and biting his lower lip. Looks like he is nervous or probably annoyed that he has to work for me.

The car stopped in front of the company's building and we got out. Taehyung gaped at the huge building as we walked in. People greeted me on the way and I just nodded towards them. We got into the lift and I pressed on the number 12. Yep, we had a lot of floors. We reached the floor and walked down the hallway and took a left to another lift. This one was the only entrance to my office which was located on the 13th floor. 

"Why is there another lift here?" he suddenly asked me and I was pretty shocked to hear him talk. I thought he was going to give me the cold shoulder. 

"Uhmm...this one leads to my office. Only certain people are allowed to enter."

"Then, why am I coming with you?" he asked and I mentally slapped my forehead. You are my personal assistant! Don't tell me he doesn't know that?!

I simply ignored his question and walked out of the lift and took a right down the hallway which led to huge, black doors. Unlike the walls in the other floors where it was covered with pictures or paintings, this one was pretty bland. Neither me nor my dad were interested in decorating them. 

I pushed the doors open and it opened into a huge room and on the left was another small room which was my office. I opened the door and sat in front of my desk. I kept the door open since I liked it that way. I could see Taehyung looking around the entire place. Oh shit! I totally forgot about him. His eyes then left the room and was now looking outside the doors.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him and he looked back at me.

"Those doors...where do they lead to?" he asked me as he pointed outside the office to another pair of doors which was on the other end of the hallway.

"Those doors open into my father's office," I said and suddenly I saw him looking tensed, "That is basically the CEO's office."

"Then, what are you?" he asked me and I swear I wanted to slap him. Was he even paying any attention in the meeting when they were talking about me?

"I am the president of the company," I said and he nodded, "That is your desk there." I pointed to a small desk which was situated on the other end of the room. 

"Is that really mine?" he asked and I nodded.

'Who else do you think it belongs to?"

"It is not like that. It is just..." he touched it and frowned, "Why is it made of glass?"

"Only the top part is made of glass," I said and some part of me wanted to choke him to death. Such annoying questions. The day hasn't even ended and I seriously want the night to come so I can go and sleep.

"But why is it glass? What if I break it?" he asked me and I sighed. How the heck did I manage him for two and a half months?

"It won't break. And if you break it, you will have to pay for it."

"Can't I just get a wooden desk?" he asked and I clenched my hands into fist in front of my face. He saw it and nervously smiled, "I will get back to work. Sorry for disturbing you." I nodded and he sat at his desk. 

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