58. The Golden Sakura

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"BROTHER!?" we all yelled as we stared at my mother with our mouths and eyes wide opened. No way! That psycho guy is mom's brother and he is my uncle. What the heck! Does that make me a psycho too?

"B-B-But...why would he—"

"I can't tell you the rest here," she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose with her index finger and her thumb, "When we reach your grandfather's place, everything will be explained to you."

Everyone went back to their seats after my mom shooed us away. I looked outside the window and began to wonder about the reasons why my uncle would try to kidnap me. Suddenly I felt a hand on mine and looked to my side to see Jungkook giving me a smile.

"Don't worry now," he said and rubbed the back of my hand, "It will be fine." I sent him back a smile and placed my head on his shoulder. 

"By the way, I just remembered something," Jungkook said and I closed my eyes, "Seven years back you said something to me, do you remember it?"

"I have said a lot of things to you back then." I heard him slap his forehead and sigh.

"I was talking about the time when you talked about a friend of yours who...uhmm, suicided. Who was that?" when he said that, my eyes flickered open. Oh...that story.

"Actually..." I sat up straight and stared at his confused face, "That was a lie."

"What?!" he gasped and I nodded.

"I couldn't tell you the truth because I still didn't completely trust you," I said and that led him to gasp even more, "So I told a part of the truth, but slightly twisted it. So I sort of lied, but I didn't lie."

He shut his gaping mouth and sighed, "I see. I am going to sleep. Wake me up when we land."

"Are you pissed?" I asked him as I laid my head down on his shoulder. He smiled and ran his hand through my hair.

"I am not pissed at you," he said and closed his eyes, "I mean, you didn't want to tell it, but I sort of forced you and...to be honest, I don't remember that story well."

"Then we can just forget it," I said and he nodded. I closed my eyes and snuggled against his shoulder. I inhaled the faint vanilla fragrance of his and I could feel it slowly lulling me to sleep.


"Wakey wakey!" My eyes flickered open and I saw Jungkook patting my cheek, "We came to Japan."

"REALLY?!" I bolted up from my seat and ran outside, forgetting about my suitcase on the plane. I jumped out and inhaled the cold evening's air of Japan. 

"I. AM. IN. JAPAN!" I yelled and twirled around in excitement. Suddenly a bag came flying from nowhere and hit the back of my head. I winced at the hard collision and turned around to kill that person, but how could I do that when that person was my mother?

"COME AND GET YOUR BAG, YOU SHIT ASS KID!" she yelled and went back inside. I sighed and walked inside to retrieve my bags. But luckily, my sweet hubby got them all out for me. Wow! I have such a handsome and strong hubby!

"Thank you," I said and pecked his lips. 

He chuckled and kissed my cheek, "Welcome, babes."

"Enough of your lovey-dovey," my mom came from behind and shoved us forward, "Get to the cars right now before I roast your balls."

Without waiting for another warning, we both ran away and made ourselves comfortable in the black, luxurious car. Was this also rented? 

My parents and Jungkook's mom came in the same car as ours, while the rest of the gang were separated into two other cars. We drove around the beautiful magnificent city of Japan. I stuck my nose to the window and gaped at the skyscrapers and even screamed at the top of my voice when I saw a man cosplaying Tanjiro from Demon slayer. It took at least twenty minutes to calm myself down. It would have taken longer if my mom wasn't there.

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