16. Blissful Wedding

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I drove back to my house, smiling to myself after leaving a confused Tae back at his place. He must be cursing and cracking that brain of his to think about what I had said to him earlier. 

I finally reached my house and got out. When I opened the front door, I saw the butlers and the maids crowding near the dining room's door and whispering to one another. What is happening there? I spotted Lily coming out from one of the room and I walked up to her. She saw me and slightly bowed.

"Welcome home, young master," she welcomed me and I nodded.

"What's happening there?" I asked her as I pointed my thumb at the crowd. Her eyes gazed at the crowd and looked back at me.

"It is the master, young master. He came just home a few minutes back and was very pissed. It was something about a meeting. The lady is there comforting him, but I don't think it is working," she said and she was right. I could hear their angry muffled voices coming from the dining room. I wonder what happened in the meeting that made him angry like this.

I said 'good night' to Lily and walked to my room, no one noticing me appear nor hearing my room's door slam shut. I was too lazy to undress myself, so I ended up plopping myself down onto my bed. 

Suddenly I felt something wrong. I got up and realized that the pillow I had laid my head on was upside down. I don't remember turning it this way. My gaze wandered to my chair and saw that it was not completely pushed to the desk. There was a tiny gap between the table and the chairs arm. 

Who the hell entered my room? I went over to my desk and realized that someone had come here and messed up with my belongings. My papers were not in an order and I remembered keeping a pencil on top of it all, but it was now in the pencil stand. 

Usually the maids and the butlers come here only when I am present in the room, other wise they don't. Lily sometimes comes here to sweep and clean the place, but she would always ask my permission before doing so. That means...

Someone had gone through my stuff and was looking for something. I wonder what was it they were looking for.

Hold on...the letter! I looked up at the fan and heaved a sigh when I saw the key was still there. I climbed onto my chair and took the key from its place. I went to the locked drawer and opened it with the key. I took out the letter and stuffed it in my jacket's pocket. I quickly closed the drawer and kept the key back on the fan before heading out of my room.

I was out again and drove to the mansion, the only place where none of those egomaniac people would come. But...Taehyung goes over there to watch anime. I have to hid it in a secretive place where he won't find it. 

But, I think he has stopped visiting that mansion ever since we met there. I think.


The next evening~


I looked at myself in the mirror and frowned. I still couldn't get over what Jungkook said last night. I had my doubts whether he simply said that just to tease me or was it actually true.

"Yo, pinkie!" Jimin yelled from behind me and I jabbed him in the ribs with my elbow. He cried out and rubbed his sore ribs and whimpered, "Finished admiring yourself?"

"Yep!" I smiled with joy, not because I looked handsome and dashing, but because both my best friends were finally getting married today. I went out of my room and to the living room, where Jimin and Yoongi were. They had both chosen navy blue and they looked stunning in them.

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