22. Messed Up

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The day of the meeting~


It's here. It's finally here. It's fricking here. The day I am going to die is finally here. OMG! I want to pee so badly. I am going to die.

I groaned and looked at Jungkook from the corner of my eyes who was looking quite relaxed and calm. How the heck can he even do that?

I sighed and leaned back on the seat, staring out of the window and at the other vehicles that zipped by us.

"Nervous?" Jungkook asked me and I nodded, "You don't have to be. Remember what I told—"

"It is just like that shitty project we had back in school," I said and he frowned when I interrupted him as if it was his favorite speech, "But then this is not a project. It is a fricking meeting! It is—"

"You just have to present and talk about it. Nothing much to do," he smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. Just present and talk. So easy. Hahaha...really funny.

We reached the building and got out of the car. I looked at the building and it looked way bigger than before.

"What are you staring at?" he asked me.

"The building became bigger," I said without thinking twice and he just laughed at my comment.

"You are too nervous," he pulled me along with him to the washroom. He stood in front of me and said, "Take a deep breath."

"You dragged me all the way here for a deep breath?" I asked him and he smiled like an idiot. But that smile dropped and he whacked me on my head, "Seeing you nervous makes me nervous, ass!"

"That doesn't make sense," I replied back and received an eye roll from him.

"A brainless guy like you will obviously won't understand," he said and continued, "Now take a deep breath and concentrate. Close your eyes, calm your mind and focus."

I took a deep breath and scrunched my nose, "How am I supposed to take a deep breath when the entire place stinks?"

"It doesn't stink," he replied back.

"It does stink. Like a toilet."

"Because it is a toilet."

"I can't breath," I said and opened my eyes to see him glaring at me. He sighed and scratched the back of his neck as he looked up at me.

"Then where do you want to go for breathing?" he asked me and I grinned.


"Bye, I am going now," he said and turned around, but I grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"Sorry, Jungkookie," I pouted at him and he sighed, "Just stay with me for some more time."

He turned around and looked at me, "Only for ten minutes."

"Yay!" I hugged him tight and he did the same thing. We stood there for minutes till the door opened and we pulled away to see Namjoon smirking at us.

"What were you guys doing here? All alone," he gave us the creepy, perverted look and I heard Jungkook chuckle.

"We were hugging, hyung. What dirty stuff were you thinking about, hmm?" he asked Namjoon who just looked away.

"We have to go now," he said to Jungkook who looked at his watch and sighed. He turned towards me and cupped my cheeks, "I have to go now. Wish I could stay and watch you." He smiled and patted my forehead before kissing on my cheek.

I stood there with my heart beating fast and my entire body paralysed. I looked up at him and he was still smiling.

"Bye and remember not to mess up the meeting. This is one is really important," he said before following Namjoon outside. I watched as he left and unknowingly placed my hand on my cheek.

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