31. Available For You

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"Is my mother in the house?" I asked Leishi and she shook her head, "We are going there then."

"Huh? Why can't you talk to me here?" she asked me and spread her arms, showing me the large empty floor. If I talk to her here, she might insult Taehyung and I am pretty sure that guy would eavesdrop at our conversation. That will hurt him and I don't want that. I didn't respond and walked out of the building and to my car. She followed me inside and we drove to my house. 

"Aren't you worried that Taehyung might misunderstand when he sees me going out with you? He might think it is a secret date and—"

"Taehyung knows what to think and what not to," I interrupted her and clutched the steering wheel tightly, "You have no business to interfere in our matters."

"And what's that? Ex-lovers," she grinned when she saw me getting angry over what she had said. I ignored her again and concentrated at the road ahead. After that, we didn't talk at all until we reached my house. I dragged her inside and she kept hissing at me to let her go and complained about my nails digging into her pale skin.

"Your hurting me, Jungkook," she yelled and I didn't care what she said. The house was unusually quiet. Probably because the lady of the house has gone out and the butlers and maids were out enjoying to their hearts delight. I saw Lily standing near the dining room's door and nodded to her. She responded by nodding back at me. 

I took Leishi to her room and harshly threw her on the bed before closing the door, so that no one interferes in our conversation. I looked back at her and saw her staring at the half moon cuts on her arms. Wow! No wonder why nails are considered as a weapon. They can kill!

She saw me standing by the door and snickered, "What do you want to talk about? Our marriage or about Taehyung being a total asshole in handling meetings?"

"Shut up!" I snarled at her and she flinched when she felt the cold, heartless tone in my words, "We all know that it was your dirty tricks that led to the meeting a failure and breaking Taehyung."

"Breaking Taehyung?" she chuckled and shook her head, "My aim was to make sure that meeting doesn't work out. I believe it was you who broke Taehyung. Don't blame it on me."

"He broke down because he wasn't able to do a perfect job. Because of you, he had to get humiliated in front of all of them."

"Humiliation?" she sighed and flipped her hair over her shoulder, "What is there to humiliate him? He himself is a failure and—"

"SHUT THE F**K UP!" I threw one of the books which was lying on the table at her and it hit her shoulder. She winced in pain and clutched her shoulder with her hand. I didn't hit so hard and yet she acts like I threw a huge knife at her. 

One of the things I learnt when I was small was to never harm women. I mean, right now I was able to control myself or else by now, she would have been bleeding to death. I did choke my mother, but I didn't...you know, punch her or anything. 

"You are a monster," she snarled and threw a pillow at me, but I quickly caught it and threw it on the ground. If I throw it back, then it would look like we were playing pillow fight.

"Now you tell me," I walked towards her and grabbed her arm harshly, "why did you do that? What the f**k did Taehyung do to you, that you had to make him suffer like that?"

"For fun," she smirked and that made me more than angry. I left her arm and grabbed her neck and squeezed it.

"What do you mean by fun, huh?!" I yelled at her and she choked. She tried to remove the hands from around her neck, but I squeezed it more, "Whoever dares to trouble Taehyung, they deserve to die and rot."

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