51. Life Or...Death

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"Come on! Let's go!" Chizu nudged my ribs with a stick and it caused me to groan when she purposefully hit a bruised spot. I slowly got up from my bed and followed her out of the room. What is she going to do to me now?

We reached a big room and there in the middle was Akio, who was sitting on a chair and staring at me enter. Chizu pushed me harshly, making me fall on my knees. I looked up and stared at those chestnut eyes which a held a tint of darkness. 

"I guess I have kept you in captive for real long, right? Three days I believe" he asked me. I didn't reply and just stared at him. He got up and grabbed my hair, yanking my head towards him. I winced when his nail dug into the skin of my head. He leaned closer to my face and stared right into my eyes. 

"Why is there no fear in your eyes?"

"Cause I don't fear assholes like you both," I stuck my tongue out at him and that was a big mistake I did. He slammed my head down on the floor and the impact almost made me faint.

"I have been too nice to you. I have given you food and forced Chizu not to pour acid on your face because she couldn't stand at how beautiful you are. I saved you. So, you should thank me."

"Thank you?" I snickered and shook my head, "I don't care how nice you are to me because you are still the same man who KILLED MY FRIEND!" He slapped me harshly, but I didn't make a sound. 

"Your friend was pathetic! He thought he could escape from me. From me? Only a fool would do that."

"That's called being brave, asshole!" I said and he yanked my face back towards him. His eyes were darker than before, but that didn't scare me like before. 

"Brave or being stupid. Anyways, that boy was bound to die one day or another."


"You heard me. I only kidnapped him so that you will have someone as a friend back in our old house, but that ass began to stuff your mind with wicked things. I thought of finishing him off when you become sixteen, but that day I was so pissed that I 'accidently' killed him," Akio laughed and was joined by Chizu from the back.  

Tears began to form in my eyes as his words began to make me dizzy and heavy. He was going to kill him...for no reason? I glared at him as I spat on his face, "YOU MOTHER F**KER!"

"Don't worry about that dead boy now. Damn! I forgot his name, but who really cares. Anyways, if you refuse to obey me, even you will meet your friend soon. So what are you going to do? Meet your friend or obey me?"

"I rather die than kneel down to you!" I snarled at him and that made him shit angry. He threw me on the floor and glared at me with those dark eyes. Suddenly I felt a hard jab on my back and I screamed when something sharp cut through my skin. I looked behind and saw Chizu smiling at me. When I looked down, I gasped when I saw a small knife poking out in the front from one of her high-heeled black shoes. 

I tried to get up, but failed when my body gave up and fell back down on the ground. It had taken a lot of beatings from the past three days. Plus, I didn't eat any of those food they gave me and because of that I don't have any strength left. 

Another painful strike on my back from Chizu's shoes and another ear-splitting scream. My shirt was becoming wet from the blood oozing out from the deep cuts on my back.

"Wow! My artwork is really pretty. Come here and see Akio. It looks like his two wings have been torn off," she laughed and kicked me around to show my back to him. I couldn't see his expression, but I heard a soft chuckle coming from his mouth.

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