4. The Mansion

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"Tae, are you really sure you are not coming?" Jimin asked me on the phone and I nodded. Oh wait, he can't see me.

"Yes. I am one thousand percent sure I won't be coming."

"If you do come, give us a call, okay?"

"Yeah. I have to go now."

"Fine then. Bye."

"Bye." I cut the call and leaned back on my sofa. I lied to them, but it was for a good reason. I had to avoid him at any cost. But all that food and drinks and games...what an ultimate sacrifice I made. If that guy still hates me, I will pluck out his eyeballs and sell it in the black market.

I wonder how he looks like right now. Is he handsome? Ooo...if he is hot, then I want to turn back time and propose to him before itself. Ahh! Taehyung! Don't think about it. I shook my head and went to the kitchen to make some popcorn. As I waited for the popcorn to cook, I went to the TV and switched it on. Nothing nice was being shown, so I decided to watch anime.

If you guys think I have gotten over them, then nope. I still love anime guys to the core of my heart. I even have two life sized pillows of Natsu and Zeref. Eeee! It is so nice to hug them while sleeping. 

I took the popcorn and sat on my bed while I watched anime on my laptop. Fairy Tail had ended which was pretty depressing for me so, now I was watching some huge-ass-name series. 

For three hours, I watched it and finished it too. I AM THE BOSS!

I smirked and laid down on my bed. Suddenly I heard someone bang on the door. Ghost? Zombie? Praying mantis? Who could it be? I got up and headed down to the front door and opened it. I suddenly screamed when I saw Jimin lying on the ground. Is he dead? Oh no! What to do? What should I say to the police? What will they—oh wait, what is this?

I bent down and saw a sticky note attached to the back of his head. I plucked it out and read what was written on it

Jimin drank too much and he puked on Yoongi. Since others were all high and drunk, I brought him back home. Don't worry, he is not dead. He is just drunk. 

Oh! So he is not dead? Why am I little bit upset? By the way, who dropped him? I turned the note around and my soul froze when I read what was written behind

Thanks for not coming today. It really helped me. Remember I still hate you.

Your one and only enemy,

He came here. He knows where I live. He knows...MY PLACE?! Omg! He might come and kill me in the middle of the night or burn down the entire house when I am sleeping or he might fill the floor with snakes or he might...might...just stab me in my heart.

Wait, he said he hates me. Hmm...knew it! Who would love a person who broke his heart? Only lovesick people. Whatever. Hate me, love me...I don't really care. Wait, I should pluck his eyeballs out, right?

I punched Jimin on his shoulders and only received a muffled groan from his mouth. Dumb ass! Because of you my life is in danger. I sighed and dragged the wasted body inside. When he wakes up, he will surely find his entire leg waxed. Hehe. 

I chucked him on his bed and sat on the floor. Phew! I am so tired. I sighed and looked at my foot. Why is it so big? I have such a big foot. Okay, I have to go and wax his leg the harsh way. With tape. How about adding glue to his—

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