23. Like Father, Like Son

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"Drive faster!" I yelled at Namjoon who was driving the car at top speed. Even though the speedometer showed that we were driving really fast, I felt it was still slow. I kept bouncing my right leg as my fingers drummed on my thigh. I didn't expect this to happen at all. I thought he would be able to finish it and then, the everything will go perfect. F**K!

"I still think we should head back to the—"

"To what!?" I snapped back at him and groaned, "That old man of mine will win, Namjoon. He will f**king win."


"Hurry up before the signal turns red!" I yelled and he accelerated. In a few minutes we were in front of the building and I was out before the car could stop. I ran into the building and headed straight to the meeting room. 

When I reached the floor, I saw the people were already leaving. I walked up to an old man, who was the C.E.O of Y company, and he saw me and smiled, "Hey there, Jungkook. How are you?"

"I-I am f-fine," I stuttered and looked around at the rest who were busy talking to one another, "What happened?"

"Looks like your assistant forgot to check the paper before printing it," he said and sighed, "We have decided to spare your assistant and come next month for another meeting."

"But you can—"

"Sorry Jungkook. We can't stay any longer. We have other work to do," saying this he bid goodbye to the rest and walked away. No.

I raked a hand through my hair and pulled at it. No. I could feel my entire body heat up and my mind was getting blurry. No. This can't be happening. I missed...I missed both the chances.

I crumpled down on the floor and buried my head in my hands.

"You will always be below me, Jungkook."

I could hear my father's words swirl around my head and it began to hammer itself to my brain to make me remember those words. To remember that mocking smile he gave me. 

Taehyung. What about Taehyung? I slowly got up and headed to the door. I swung it open and looked at the sight in front of me. What the...?

I saw Taehyung hugging another guy and that guy was hugging him back. W-W-What? What the heck is this? 

The worst part was...Taehyung was smiling at this guy. Does he know what he did at the meeting? Does he know how much money we have lost because of me missing a meeting and him ruining one? And here he was, with his boyfriend, smiling and hugging right in front of my face.

I couldn't control the anger in me and yelled, "TAEHYUNG!"

Taehyung jumped in fright and saw me standing by the door, "Jungkook?" he whispered and his eyes were filled with shock and fear. I could feel my anger build up inside me as I walked up to him. I grabbed his collar and pushed him to the wall.

"Jun-Jungkook, wha-what are you doing?" he cried out and I just gripped his collar tightly, pressing him harder to the wall.

"You said that you will handle this perfectly. WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO PERFECTLY!?" I yelled at him.

"I-I...I am so-sorry, Jung-Jungkook," he whimpered and he put his hand on my arm, "Please let me go."

"Huh?" I laughed and glared at him, "Let you go. For what, asshole!?" 

"Hey, let him go," the guy behind me said and I kicked him in the ribs and watched as he fell down, clutching his side and whimpering.

"WHAT THE HECK, JUNGKOOK!?" I heard Taehyung yell and my gaze went back at me.

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