46. Angel

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Somewhere near Seoul~

"I found him." A lady, who was somewhere in her thirties, walked up to a man who was seated on an old, rickety sofa. She had a red shirt on with black pencil skirt which reached just below her knees. Her high hells clicked against the hard, dusty cement floor as she made her way towards him. 

The man himself was somewhere around her age, sporting a simple black shirt and black pants. Though he looked like a simple middle class man, he had on a very expensive Vacheron watch and with one look of that watch, they know that this man was no ordinary one. His chestnut brown eyes stared at her as he heard her words loud and clear.

"Really? Where?" he asked her in a deep, raspy voice. She sat down on a chair beside him and pulled out a cigarette to smoke.

"Seoul. That bitch was hiding him there the whole time," she snarled as she lit the cigarette and took a puff of the deadly smoke. The man chuckled and placed a palm on his forehead. The woman snickered as she watched him grin at the news he had heard.

"It's New year, isn't it?" the man got up and the woman nodded, "Why don't we bring back our beloved 'Angel' home? We missed him, didn't we?"

"Of course we did," she smiled as she looped an arm around his and they walked out of the abandoned building. 

"I can't wait to see my pretty angel again."



"Jungkook! Stop. We have to work now," I tried to push away Jungkook who was clinging onto me, refusing to let me finish checking the papers. He kept smothering my neck and face with kisses and all I did was giggle, instead of telling him to stop.

"You know you love it," he whispered, his breath tickling my ear. I pulled myself away from him, but he hugged me from behind and stopped me from running away. I groaned as he planted a kiss on my shoulder.

"If you don't stop clinging onto me, I am going to hug Zeref tonight instead of you," I said and that was enough for him to remove his hands off of me. I smiled to myself as we sat down in front of our respective desks. He scowled at me and I simply grinned back.

For hours we worked non-stop, not even glancing at the clock which hung on the wall. We both wanted to finish the work and go back home to cuddle on our bed. I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw I had only one last paper to check and with that, back to home we go.

Unfortunately when I finished, Jungkook still had loads to do. It was his fault for waking up late and refusing to go to work since he wanted to lay in bed with me for longer. Plus, it was also his fault for spending the entire New year day with me instead of attending important clients and paper works.

He saw that I had already finished and he groaned, "Just wait for a bit. I will finish fast and then we can go home. I have to cook dinner today, right?"

I nodded and he sighed as he went back to staring at his laptop's screen. Something went off in my mind and I began to wonder if it will be alright for me to cook the dinner today. I was free and had lots of time, but he was still busy and had very less time. Let's ask him then!

"How about I go back home and cook dinner for you?" I asked him. He thought for a moment before looking up at me.

"You sure?" I nodded and he scratched his chin, "Fine then. You can go. But be careful!"

"Okay honey!" I pecked his lips before leaving the office building. I boarded a bus and reached the apartment after grabbing some groceries from the store. I hummed a tune which I clearly don't remember what it's name was. All I know it was Jungkook's favorite. I fished out my key and unlocked the door. I stepped in and walked directly to the kitchen.

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