11. A Deal

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Time skips and 'The day' arrives~


Sickening! Absolutely sickening! I can't believe I am waiting here for my father to come instead of having lunch with Taehyung. He asked me to join him for lunch and I agreed, but a stupid phone call changed the plans. Now I got to come here and wait for a pathetic person who has no balls. 

"There he is!" Leishi screamed with joy and pointed to a man who had a slightly graying hair. While the rest waved and smiled at him, I looked at my watch constantly. How long does he take to walk from the airplane till here?

"My love," he called out to my mother and kissed her cheeks. Ew! Leishi cooed at them while I puked at them. Have I even seen them do that? No. Do I want to see them do that? No.

"So, Jungkook," he turned towards and turned to the strict and serios mode, "How is it going?"

"Perfectly fine," I replied back and he nodded.

"Good. Now shall we?" We walked to the two, black cars which were parked right beside us. The couples had to occupy each car, so I was stuck with Leishi in one car and my parents were in another.

So not nice. Leishi kept on moving closer to me while I wriggled closer to the door. She was almost going to flop onto my lap, luckily the mansion came in view and the car stopped. I quickly got out and ran to my own car.

"Jungkook," my father's stern voice called out to me and I cursed under my breath as I turned behind to face him, "Where are you running off to?"

"I need to get back to the office," I replied, hoping that was enough excuse for him to let me go.

"No," he shook his head and I mentally banged myself to a wall, "You will be staying with us for the rest day and tomorrow you can start working."

I groaned and followed them into the mansion. I want to have lunch with Taehyung!

I sat down on the sofa along with Leishi beside me. Adjacent to us was my parents who lovingly talked to one another. Gross! I don't want a live romantic moment, I just want to eat with Taehyung.

"So, the wedding is going to be in few more months," my father started and I wanted to throw an elephant at his face. Did he really need to bring up that topic when he just came back? "Where do you lovers want it to be?"

"Italy," Leishi screamed with joy and my parents nodded to her request. They looked at me and I said, "Hell."

"That's not a nice place to think for marriage, Jungkook," my father commented and I just rolled my eyes at him, "But, Italy sounds good. Maybe we should check there."

"Yay!" Leishi fist pumped the air and I sighed. I want to have lunch with Taehyung. 

"Can I go now?" I asked my father who was busy discussing about the wedding place with my mother. He turned towards me and shot me a glare and I sighed. This is going to be a long day.

And it was indeed a long day. They sat till dinner time for deciding the place. Just for deciding the place they wasted half a day. Half a day!? Instead of wasting time with them, I would have had lunch with Taehyung.

There was nothing much to do and they finally chose some coast in Italy, whose name I don't really remember nor care. I ate my dinner in silence and so did the rest. After finishing, I quickly went off to my room to avoid any more conversations with my father.

I slammed the door shut and laid down on my bed. I took a deep breath and inhaled out loudly. So tired. And annoyed. I didn't get to have lunch with Taehyung. I groaned and slammed my face to the pillow.

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