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Five years later~


I was sitting under a huge tree and eating the sandwiches that Jungkook had made early in the morning. The green grass swayed as the wind blew through them and the smell of earthy soil and grass filled the air.

"PAPA!" I turned to my left and saw a cute little boy running towards me. His big, blue eyes were glimmering with tears and...hold on, tears?

"PAPA! APPA SAID THAT HE WILL EAT ME!" He cried out as he fell onto my chest. Jungkook...will eat him? Not again!

"Zetsu, he didn't mean what he said, okay? It was just a joke," I said as I ruffled his smooth, black hair. But my words and my gestures weren't enough for him to keep quiet. He continued to cry and buried his face into my chest. I am going to kill Jungkook now.

"HONEY!" I looked to my left and saw Jungkook walking towards me. Here comes the man eater. He saw Zetsu clinging onto my tee shirt and scowled, "Why is he crying? Was it because of that joke I said to him?"

"THAT WASN'T A JOKE!" Zetsu suddenly cried out and sobbed, "APPA BIT MY FINGER AND HE EVEN BIT MY SHOULDER!"


"I swear I didn't do that!" Jungkook said as he raised his hands up in surrender, "I swear I only told him that if he ate another choco chip cookie, I will eat him up. I didn't bite his fingers."

"Zetsu," I looked at the boy in my arms who was no longer crying, but was glaring at Jungkook, "Why did you lie like that?"

"I am not lying," he mumbled and looked away, "I was just telling what could have happened in the future."

"You both are like kids," I face-palmed myself as Jungkook sat beside me, "I feel like a single parent here."

"Hey! It is his fault for being such a spoiled-brat!" Jungkook said as he drank his banana milk, "He tried to kill me yesterday by putting my banana milk in the microwave. I mean, that is rude and horrible." How is it horrible? And plus, how is that even related to you dying?

"I don't care whose fault it is, but you both have to apologize to each other," I said and looked at both of them who were busy eating, "Apologize and everything will be fine."

"NO!" they both yelled at the same time and I could feel myself getting angry. Five...four...three...one.

"JUST APOLOGIZE, BAKA!" I yelled and whacked both their poor heads. Poor? Nah! Let them go and die somewhere. At least, I can rest in peace.

"S-Sorry," they whined at each other and I nodded.

"Good! Now let's eat," I said as I ate another sandwich. They shrugged at each other and began to eat. It was quiet and peaceful as we talked about the different shapes the clouds were making.

"That looks like a giraffe," Zetsu said as he pointed at a cloud. We nodded and began to scan for other weird looking ones.

"That looks like Jimin," Jungkook said as he pointed to...nothing.

"If Jimin was here, he would have punched your face," I said as Jungkook and Zetsu laughed loudly.

"Papa, that looks like Zeref, right?" he asked me as he pointed to a cloud that looked...EXACTLY LIKE ZEREF!

"ZEREF!" I yelled and lovingly gazed at the cloud, "Oh my god! It looks exactly like Zeref! Wow! Today must be my lucky day! My Zeref is calling out to me."

"I am going to call your mom," Jungkook fished out his phone from his pocket and scrolled down the contact list to find my mother's number. Oh shit! If he calls her then—

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