26. Grey Letter

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...Jungkookie looked really scary.

I gripped the glass of water in my hand and stared at the sink while the words he said before sank deeper and deeper into my heart. 

I-I scared him. I put my palm on my face and sighed. I am like some kind of a monster to him now. I am pretty sure now he will never ever forgive me.

I gulped down the water in one go and took another glass and refilled it for him. I took the pills from the kitchen cabinet and headed back to the room. I walked in and saw him sleeping in the same position like the last time I left the room before heading to the kitchen to calm my nerves. 

I bent down on my knees and touched the cheek were I slapped him. It was warm. It must have really hurt him when I did that, both physically and mentally. I gently rubbed it with my palm and I heard him let out a deep breath like a sigh of relief. 

I hope that the hand I hit you with can heel your pain too. I stared at his closed eyes and mentally slapped myself. What the heck did you mean by that senseless thing you said in the starting? I shook my head and removed my hands from his cheek. The second I did, the warm feeling faded and was replaced by the cold.

I got up and decided to sleep since it was almost midnight, but then how could I sleep in this condition. I decided to just roam around the room and just waste time till he gets up. And so I went, off on a voyage to explore Taehyung's room. 

I stared at the pin-up board. It was dark so I switched on my phone's flashlight and shone it over the board. The entire thing was covered with pictures of him and the gang. I smiled when I saw them smiling at the camera, eyes twinkling with joy and their smiles beaming with happiness. From the looks of the pictures on the board, they seem to enjoy a lot without me. So, if I leave Seoul, will they miss me or celebrate my absence? 

My eyes suddenly wandered to the corner of the board where I saw an eighteen year old Taehyung laughing with Jimin. I stared at the boxy smile of his and I smiled. I missed those days when we used to annoy each other and when we were fake boyfriends. If I hadn't fallen in love with you, will we still be together, as friends? 

I heard him groan and looked behind to see him toss and turn on his bed. Just pray that he doesn't get up and scream when he sees the person he hates the most, holding a torch and looking like a fricking ghost. I looked back at the board and reached out to touch the young Taehyung's picture. Just as I touched it, the board fell down and landed on the floor with a soft thud. 

Did I just make it fall with just one touch? Hehe...I am powerful! Now, that's stupid. I bent down and picked it up when I saw something fall off from the back of the board. What is that? I picked it up and realized it was a paper. Is it some kind of a secret thing or something? I shone my flashlight on it and saw it was a grey paper. 

Curiosity kicked in and I opened it. It was some sort of a letter. 

Dear lover who probably hates me now,


Somewhere in New York~

"So, did it work?" Jeon Sung-ho asked Leishi who was on the other side of the call, busy painting her toe nails white.

"Yes. It did. Jungkook fought with him."

"Wonderful!" he exclaimed with joy and laughed like a heartless warlord, "Now since Taehyung is out of the picture, I think it is time to schedule the wedding soon."

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