54. The Mastermind

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"Oh I see," I said and sat next to Taehyung, "I wonder what my father will do now."

"Oy!" I looked towards Jimin who looked sort of annoyed, "Aren't you worried about the company? I mean, you are the president of that company, right?"

"Not anymore," I said and everyone gasped, "I resigned before the company fell."

"Wh-What?" Suga stuttered and everyone were shocked when I said that, "But, why?"

"Because..." I told them the entire story of how he separated me from Taehyung seven years ago. They all listened carefully to the story and there were gasps in between when they realized the truth.

"Your father was the one who forced you two apart?" Namjoon asked and I nodded, "Sheesh! But I thought he wasn't in Seoul that time."

"He must have come early to break us up," I said and sighed, "That cheeky father of mine! I can't believe he did that."

"Uhmm...Jungkook," I looked over at Taehyung looked slightly worried, "I need to tell you something."

"Tell me tomorrow," I got up and kissed his forehead before smiling at him, "You need to have some rest."


"Sleep well, my love," I whispered to him and walked out of the room with the rest of the gang. He nodded and closed his eyes. I closed the door and sighed when we got out.

"What now?" Yoongi asked and we looked at each other.

"Let's go home now," Namjoon said and turned to me, "You coming?"

"Nah. I am going to stay here with him," I said and they nodded. They all disappeared and it was only me in the empty corridor. I didn't want to go in so early because if I do, he might not sleep. So I sat outside and waited for an hour to pass.

Suddenly my phone vibrated and I fished it out of my pocket. When I saw the caller ID, I groaned and face-palmed myself. Why is he calling me now? I wanted to cut the call, but if I did that, then he would continue to bug me with his calls.

I slid the green button and placed it close to my ear, "What do you want?"

"Jungkook, you have to come and help us. Did you hear the news?" my father spoke with fear. When was the last time he was so scared?


"You know what happened, don't you? Huge losses and everyone has backed away. Even those stockholders have backed out. You have to come back to America to help the company."

"Uhmm...no thanks. I'll pass."

"WHAT?" he yelled into the phone and I was so close to yelling back at him, but I calmed myself down.

"I said that I am not interested in helping. So bye."

"Wait, what the heck do you think you are doing? We are talking about the fall of Jeon Enterprises, son and—"

"Pfft!" I started to laugh all of a sudden.

"WHAT THE HECK IS SO FUNNY?!" he yelled and I slowly stopped laughing.

"You called me son. That's why it is funny."


"You won't understand," I sighed and suddenly talked in my monotonous voice, "And also, didn't I tell you that I resigned? So why are you coming to me for help? I am no longer connected to you or to the company."

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