47. 11:11

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"Oh, I can't call ya...I can't hol' ya...Oh, I can't...And yes you know, yes you know...Oh, I can't call ya...I can't touch ya...Oh, I can't...Let me know...Can I someday finna find my time?" I sang as I made my way to the apartment. It was a new song released by Justin Seagull and it absolutely blew my mind. How can that guy have such a sexy voice? Even though Seagull is my favorite, I still love his husband, V more than him. But more than both of them, I love Taehyung the most. I wonder what he cooked for dinner.

I knocked on the door and waited for Taehyung to open it. However there was no response and the door didn't open. Is he sleeping? I looked at my watch and saw it was still 9:45 p.m. Taehyung wouldn't sleep so early. Maybe, he is watching anime with his headphones on. Sheesh! That guy! 

I sighed and took out the key to unlock the door. When I opened it, all I could see was complete darkness. Huh? Why are all the lights off? Wait, is he going to surprise me or something? I waited for someone to switch on the lights and yell at me for no reason, but no one did. Maybe he is really sleeping. I switched on the lights and went to our bedroom, but once I opened it, there was no one there.

"Taehyung," I called out to him and walked into the kitchen. He wasn't there either, but there were newly brought groceries on the counter. He told me he was going to cook dinner, then where did he go? Minho's place? 

I was about to take out my phone to call him when suddenly I felt something crawl on my foot. I looked down and almost jumped in fright when I saw it was a cockroach.

"Roachie!?" I glanced at it and saw that it was Taehyung's pet cockroach. It suddenly left my leg and began to crawl over to the laundry basket. Stupid cockroach! Didn't Taehyung tell me that he kept that bug inside a box with holes? 

I shook my head and took out my phone to call Taehyung, when again Roachie crawled onto my foot.

"Oh my god! You are so annoying. What do you want, you bug?" I glared at it and Roachie again went back to the basket. What is that thing even doing? Taehyung told me that Roachie can understand us humans, so does it know where Taehyung is? 

I sighed and decided to see what the bug was doing, even though I knew it was stupid I walked to the laundry basket and knelt down. Inside were clothes of mine and Taehyung's and Roachie was sitting in the middle of the piled up clothes.

"Okay...Taehyung can't be in the laundry basket. I have no clue what you are trying to tell..." I bent down and picked out a white shirt of mine. 

I gasped when I saw the white shirt was stained red. Is it blood? I smelled it and it had the metallic smell of blood. Why was there blood on my shirt? I don't remember getting any injured when I wore this shirt. 

Roachie got out of the basket and scurried over to the kitchen counter. Is it safe for a cockroach to roam in the kitchen? I mean, most of them die in the kitchen and this one is roaming around like it owns this place or something. More importantly, did Taehyung sanitize that tiny fella?

Roachie climbed onto the wooden knife block and struggled to stand on top of one's handle. I tilted my head when I realized that the knife wasn't put in the right place. It was placed in the space which was for the meat knives, instead of being placed in the vegetable's side. 

I pulled it out and stared at it. Why the heck was this here? I am pretty sure Taehyung wouldn't do this because he was the one who would always get it correct whereas for me, I would always get it wrong. But I am pretty sure that I didn't touch any of the knives today.

I looked at Roachie who was staring at me. I frowned and placed the knife back in its original place.

"Where the heck is Taehyung?" I asked to myself when all of a sudden Roachie flew down the counter and ran into the living room. 

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