55. The Past

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"Hold my fricking banana milk," I gaped at the woman as she stared at her nails, "You are my real mother? But...what?"

"Yes. I am your real mother, Jungkook," she said and tapped her chin, "How to prove that to you...hmm?"

"Okay leave that for later," I said and waved my hands at her, "What did you mean by you saved Taehyung before? And more importantly, how did you know where he was this time?"

"Okay first, take your boyfriend inside because he has an injured leg," she said and pointed to his broken leg. I nodded and carefully took him back to his bed. The rest of the gang and Taehyung's parents followed us in along with that mysterious woman who claims to be my real mother. When I carefully laid him down, I sat beside him and faced her as she sat on a chair. The rest were either standing or sitting on tables.

"Now tell me everything," I said and she nodded.

"What do you want to know? Me saving your boyfriend or me being your real mother," she asked me as she twirled a strand of her reddish-brown hair with her fingers.

"All of them."

"Okay then," she sighed and leaned forwards with her elbows resting on her thighs, "It was before you were born, obviously. I fell in love with your father. I know...it's disgusting that I fell in love with him, but your father was really handsome and sweet. Yeah, he was sweet, but who would have thought that this sweet man was a cunning bastard inside? Anyways, my parents were happy with us being together and they accepted our marriage. And then, you came. My sweet little bunny."

"Bunny," Yoongi snickered and I shot him a glare which immediately silenced him. I saw the others also stifling their laughs, including Taehyung's parents.

"Bunny...that's so cute," Taehyung giggled and I smiled at him. I could feel Yoongi giving me the 'not-fair' glare, but it was Taehyung. So it was fine if he called me that.

"You were like the most important thing in the world for me and we were so happy to have you. Until, one day, my parents died in a car accident. I was devastated by their sudden loss and I cried for days. But luckily, you were there for me and always made me smile whenever you laughed or smiled at me."

"Bunny smile," Taehyung whispered and I smiled to myself.

"My parents were rich, like filthy rich and Jeon Sung-ho was just a middle class man—"

"BULLSHIT!" we all yelled and shut our mouths when she glared at us. She cleared her throat and continued, "Where was I now...Ah! So then one day he asked me to sign some papers and I did, without actually knowing what I was signing, because that time I was just a dumb lady who trusted that man with all her heart and soul. And after that, he changed completely. 

"He shed off his mask and revealed his true nature. He took away my parents hard earned money and all the properties that they had owned. I thought it was all fine and he was going to do something good with it all, but when I saw him having an affair with another woman, all hell broke. I asked him about her and he was furious when he found out that I got to know the truth.

"Turns out, he was using me for my parents' money. I was beaten up by your father and his girlfriend and was thrown out of my own house. I had nowhere to go and I had no relatives too. I had one friend who was a police officer and you can think of him as the second male lead in my drama."

"Second male lead? What's that?" I asked and she sighed.

"Those are the people who don't get the female lead," she said and chuckled, "In simpler words, he was a friend of mine who had a crush on me. But I was stupid and fell in love with a fake ass. Now back to the story. I stayed with him and he took care of me even though I broke his heart. I used to write letters to your father, begging him to take me in or to give you back to me, but he just wouldn't. He never returned any of my letters, and day by day I grew angry."

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