9. Friends, Not Lovers

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The next morning~


"So, Jungkook is my friend?" I said to the life-size Zeref pillow who was on my bed. I sighed and hugged him tight and buried my face in the soft fabric.

"He friend-zoned me, Zeref. And he kissed me," I said to him again and smiled when I recalled last night's incident. Jungkook kissed me. I suddenly got up and started jumping on the bed.

"JUNGKOOK KISSED ME!" I screamed at the top of my voice. Suddenly the door banged open and Jimin entered in with a baseball bat in his hand. Where did he get that?

"GET DOWN FROM THERE, YOU ASS! YOU ARE LATE FOR WORK!" he yelled at me and started to climb on top of my bed, ready to swing the bat and whack my brain out of my head.

"SORRY!" I yelled and jumped off and ran to the bathroom, but bumped into my mom who blocked the path. How did she—

"DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR WORK?!" she yelled at me, rattling my eardrums.

"W-work?" I whimpered and she held her phone in front of me.

"Read!" she commanded and I looked closely at the message. WHAT THE!?

"Why do you have Jungkook's number?" I asked her and she put her hands on her hips.

"To see what you do behind my back," she said to me and menacingly looked at me, "Do you know what is there today?"

Today? "Someone's birthday?" Total mistake telling that. My mom grew furious and flicked my forehead.

"All you can think about it food!" How is thinking about someone's birthday related to food? "You have a meeting to attend with Jungkook in less than an hour."

Meeting?....MEETING?! I hurriedly got up and ran to my bathroom to shower quickly. Shit! I totally forgot! God! How could I forgot about it? I quickly showered and wrapped a towel around my lower body. Without thinking twice, I ran out of my bathroom and to my closet.

"Sexy body, I must say." My entire body froze and saw Jimin sitting on my bed with a baseball bat in his hand. Why does he still have it with him? More importantly, WHY IS HE HERE!?

"GET OUT, YOU ASSHOLE!" I yelled at him and he laughed before heading out of the room. I sighed and went back to wearing a pant and a shirt, my usual attire. Oh my gosh! Why does my mom have to come to my apartment every single day? And there hasn't been any news from dad. Did she kill him? Stop thinking nonsense, Taehyung! She would have killed him before itself if she had to.

I ate my breakfast rather quickly and ran out of the house. I reached the place soon, but still I ran and ran and finally reached his office.

"Why are you late?" he asked me and I crumpled down on my knees from exhaustion, "You are five minutes late."

"I ran."


"WHY DO YOU HAVE MY MOM'S NUMBER!?" I yelled at him, but it came out in pants since I still couldn't breathe properly from all that running.

"To contact her in case you did something weird or horrible behind my back."


"Never mind that. Now about the meet—"

"I am not done yet," I cut through his sentence and got up, "What do you do with my mom behind my back?!"

He looked shocked when I said that and he slapped his forehead, "Do you think I am having an affair with your mom? I am not that disgusting Taehyung and—"

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