32. Bridal Style

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Somewhere in New York~

Jeon Sung-ho was seated on his chair and was fiddling with the fountain pen in his hand. He stared at the phone, waiting for it to ring. He was getting impatient as he waited for the person to call him.

Two hours passed and the call didn't come. His impatience turned into rage and he was drumming his nails onto the smooth, polished wood of his desk. He looked outside and saw the bright sun was slowly setting down. It was evening already and the call hadn't come yet. 

Something was wrong. 

He picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts. He found the name and pressed the call button. The phone rang and rang for several minutes before the operator said that the phone number he was calling was currently switched off. He didn't want to leave a voicemail and he banged the phone on his table, resulting in a tiny crack from the corner of the phone.

"Why is she not answering?" he asked to himself and tapped his chin with his finger, "Did she forget?"

Something was wrong. He could feel it. Leishi was someone who would always have her phone by her side and would never switch it off. But today, it was different. She hadn't called him at all.

Suddenly the door to his office opened and walked in a tall man, his assistant. 

"When am I free?" he asked his assistant who looked through his tab, checking his schedules.

"You will be free after a month," he said and Sung-ho groaned in anger. A month? That was too much for him. He needed to go back to Seoul immediately.

"Wait. Do I have any meetings to attend in Seoul?" he asked. His assistant once again looked at his schedule and nodded.

"There is one meeting with the L company. It's in two weeks." The news brought delight to Sung-ho whose frowning face had changed into a wicked smile.

"Very well then. You may go now," he waved his hand and the assistant bowed before leaving the place. Jeon Sung-ho got up and walked to the window, staring at the orange sky outside. 

He wasn't going there only for the meeting. He was going to get Jungkook back to America.



"JUNGKOOK, DARLING!" I was suddenly pushed away and fell on the floor. I almost banged my head to the coffee table which was right behind me. I groaned and looked up to see Jungkook getting smothered on his face with kisses from that devil woman.

"OH MY GOD! YOU HAVE GROWN SO MUCH!" my mother squealed with delight and squished his face with both of her hands, "Even though you look like an adult, you are still a baby boy."

I sighed and got up to join my dad who was just sitting on the sofa and watching Jungkook suffer under my mother's affection.

"When did you guys get here?" I asked him.

"An hour back. Our timing was really bad," he sighed and nodded his head towards Jimin's room, "Your mom just walked into the house and into Jimin's room to ask where you were. Poor Jimin and his boyfriend were literally embarrassed when they saw your mother staring at them."

"I see," I nodded and looked back at my mom hugging Jungkook or almost crushing him. Didn't she see him like a month ago? And yet she acts like she hasn't seen him for four hundred years.

Jungkook looked at me with those doe eyes, begging me to help him. Help him? Why should I? It was his fault for being a good boy and getting amazing marks and being really handsome. I just looked away and stared at the beautiful blue wall and admired it. 

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