7. Don't Mess With Us

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Zetsu...Zetsu...Zetsu...Who the heck is that?

"Ahem! Mr. Jeon." I was pulled away from my thoughts and saw all the people were looking at me. Oh shit! I totally forgot I was in a meeting.

"Continue," I said and the person who called out my name continued discussing about the financial losses. It has already been a week and I still can't get over the thought that Taehyung has a boyfriend. When I asked Jimin the previous day about it, he confirmed that he actually had one.

Now this was driving me crazy. I know that he has no feelings for me, but yet the thought of him dating someone annoyed me so much that I legit said that Jimin has jams.

"And that's all for today's meeting. I hope Mr. Jeon was able to understand the losses," the person spoke and I nodded. Cheeky bastard. I got up and headed towards my office. 

I entered the place and there was no Taehyung seated at his desk. How long does he take to go to the washroom? That's what he said to me before the meeting and he wasn't back yet. Does he have constipation or something? Or probably loose Diarrhoea.

I sighed and went to my laptop to send the presentation to my father. Right when I clicked the send button, the door banged and walked in the man in my mind.

"Where were you?" I asked him as he sat down at his desk.

"I went to pee. I thought I told you that," he replied back. I raised my eyebrows at him and got up from my chair. I walked up to him and slammed both my hands on the table making him jump from fright.

"Liar," I said as I leaned closer to his frightened face.

"I went to pee and then I got a call from...from..."


"Uhmm...from Zetsu! Yeah, Zetsu called me and asked whether I was free on Saturday so that we could go on a date."

"Your boyfriend?" I asked him and he nodded. I pulled back and removed my hands off his table, "No calling or chatting with your boyfriend in the middle of work."

"Okay." I sighed and slammed the door shut before heading to my laptop. Usually I keep it open, but today wasn't the day. I didn't want to see his face and the thought of his boyfriend and him...

"Ew!" I exclaimed with disgust and shook my head. I need to concentrate now and forget about him for a second. I went back to typing on my laptop and soon I was immersed in my work and totally forgot about him. 


After an hour, I was done with my work and was ready to leave for my dinner, when suddenly someone knocked on my door. 

"Come in," I said and walked in Taehyung with an invitation letter in his hand. Oh my god! Not another one!

"What is it?" I asked him and he handed me the letter. I ripped it open and saw what was written on the letter. It was the H company inviting me to a fancy party which was being held in honor for their success in business. I threw it in the bin and I heard a gasp from Taehyung.

"Why did you gasp?" I asked him.

"Why did you throw it?" 

"Because I am not interested," I deadpanned and that made him sad. Why the heck is he worried about me attending a party? "Why did you ask me that?"

"It looked like they really wanted you to come," he softly spoke and I raised my eyebrow at him. Wanted me to come? Almost everyone wanted me to come to their fancy functions, including their kid's birthday.

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