30. Mission: Taekook

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"Why the heck are we stuck on the same bed?" Jungkook grumbled beside me and I kicked his leg, "OWW!"

"Because you were the one who allowed her to," I said and he sighed. I rolled to the other side, away from the stinky guy and stared at the wall. Even though Ara slept between us, I could still see his face. Pretty annoying.

But why did I have that weird feeling when he said that I was his fake boyfriend? It wasn't happy nor was it sorrow. It was...comforting. I have no clue how those words he said could comfort me in any way. Is it because I missed the way things used to be when we were acting as boyfriends? Maybe it is true. I do miss those times. 

"What are you thinking about?" Ara suddenly asked me and I shook my head.


"I bet he is thinking about his cutie Zetsu," Jungkook teased me and I kicked him again. He yelled out and Ara laughed at him.

"Shut up and sleep!" I yelled and shut my eyes close. I heard him grumble and shout again when Ara called him an old man. I smiled as I listened to their arguments slowly fade away.


Somewhere in Taehyung's apartment~

It was midnight. Everything was quiet. Almost quiet. In Taehyung's room, the two grown up adults were peacefully sleeping in each others arms. The human barrier in between had left them to cuddle one another without them even knowing about it and she stood near the window, with a phone in her hand.

She was waiting for a call.

Suddenly the phone vibrated in her hand and she almost dropped it from fright. She turned back and saw the two adults hugging one another and softly snoring. She smiled and turned back to the phone in her hand. She slid the green button and placed it near her ear.


"Ara, my pretty princess. So, what did you find out?"

"Taehyung has a boyfriend."

"WHAT!?" the other end screamed at the top of his voice, almost breaking poor Ara's hearing, "BUT HOW!?"

"His name is Zetsu."

"I think I already knew about that. But, what a weird name."

"It is."

"Anything else?" he asked her.

"Taehyung doesn't have a boyfriend," she replied and that brought more confusion to the person who she was talking to.

"Uhmm...you said that he has a boyfriend and now you are saying that he doesn't have a boyfriend. What are you even trying to say?"

"That he doesn't have a boyfriend, but he has a boyfriend." He still couldn't understand. His nerves began to knot itself and his brain literally stopped functioning.

"Still didn't get it."

"You are dumb, papa," she scowled and puffed her cheeks, "You should use your brain for that."

"Believe me dear, I did. But now my brain has stopped functioning."

"That doesn't make sense," she said and scratched her head, "If your brain doesn't work, wouldn't you be dead by now?"

"Yes I am dead. This is your papa's soul talking."

"I see." She just blankly stared into space and then realized something, "Can souls even hold a phone? I mean they don't have a—"

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