40. That Night

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Somewhere in the cabins~

"Where is Taehyung and Jungkook?" Hobi asked the rest of the gang who were drying themselves with towels as they were huddled together in his cabin.

"I thought they were right behind us," Namjoon said and everyone stopped whatever they were doing, their eyes wide with shock. They were pretty stupid to not realize the disappearance of another couple. 

"We should go and find them," Jin got up to save his children, but he was immediately shoved back to his seat by Suga who had a towel on his head.

"It is still raining and it is not safe to go out. We can search for them when the rain stops." Everyone agreed with Suga and were silently praying for their safety.



"Does it still pain?" I asked Jungkook as I finished tying the elastic bandage around his swollen foot. I had learnt how to do this from my dad who said it would one day be of great help. Now that day had come.

"Sort of, but if you kiss it I bet the pain will go away," he winked at me and I rolled my eyes. Annoying as usual. But I silently smiled to myself when he said that, "Looks like the rain will go on for a couple of hours and we can't trek down in the middle of the night. So we have to move out in the morning when the rain stops."

I nodded and put the first aid kit back in his bag. I zipped it close and sat next to Jungkook on the small bed, "I guess the others are back safe."

"I hope so," Jungkook shifted his position and put his legs on the bed. He laid down on the bed with his head on my lap. I literally jumped when he did that and I heard him sigh in relief. This is weird. And satisfying.

"I can bring out the sleeping bags so you can sleep peacefully," I said and lifted Jungkook's head off of my lap with my hand underneath his head, but he grabbed my wrist and shook his head.

"I want to sleep on you," he gave me those cute puppy eyes, begging me to let him stay. I shrugged and he flashed me his bunny smile before closing his eyes to rest. His hair had dried up after getting drenched in the rain. I lifted my hand and placed it on his head. 

I moved my hand slowly over his head and played with his soft locks of brown hair. I twirled them around my finger and watched as they unfurled themselves. Jungkook smiled as I played with his hair, probably enjoying it.

While I played with his hair, I was wondering about the letter which he wrote. Pretty random, but that was the first thing that popped into my head. What really happened when I was drunk seven years back? Was it the right time to ask him that? I mean, we are alone and there is no one else, so he can peacefully talk to me.

"Do you remember the time when I became drunk for the first time?" I asked him and I felt Jungkook flinch a little. Judging from his eyebrows, he looked uneasy from the question. So something really did happen, "I wish I could remember what had actually happened that time."

He wriggled on my lap and I saw him biting his lower lip. Please tell me, Jungkook. What really happened to me when I was drunk?

"Jungkook, can you tell me what really happened?" I asked him and suddenly his eyes flew open and I stared into his doe eyes, begging him to tell me all those things he was hiding from me. If it is something embarrassing, I am going to go and take a walk in the rain and die. And if I—

"That night," Jungkook interrupted my thoughts and said, "you called me on the phone. You called me a pizza man and a shtinky stalker." He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair. Shtinky stalker? I guess shtinky pervert sounds better, but he doesn't stink.

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