59. A Choice

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One second...I have a choice on whether I want to become the heir or not, but at the same time I don't have a choice because there is only one choice and...my head pains from all this. I looked at my grandparents who had big smiles planted on their faces and then turned to my parents who were waiting for my answers. And as for my friends, well, they had mixed expressions.

And Jungkook, he just stared at me with a small smile on his face. It looked like he was ready to accept the choice I was going to choose. I looked back at the floor and sighed. Being the heir was a huge job. You have to make big decisions and also, your life is on the line. You have to be always on your guard and never trust people because you can die easily if you let down your walls.

"You can buy loads and loads of anime and manga!" my grandmother suddenly said and I looked at her gleaming face, "Here in Japan, just say the name of the clan you are from and people will dare not ask anything from you and would treat you like a king."

Oh...so it was like being a king. Or something like that. But the anime part sounds good. They just said that we are like the richest people, so I don't have to wait for days for the manga to come out in the book stores.

"Aish! What are you thinking so much about?" my grandfather came down from the platform and clapped my back, "There is nothing much to think about it. All you have to do is beat the bad guys, save the innocents, marry a girl, rule together, give birth to a successor and live on. And also, you will..."

All the words he said next were drowned out when I realized what he had said. Marry a girl? I don't want to marry a girl. I mean...that's ew! Like not 'ew!', but ew. Marry a girl and give birth to a successor, that's what this is all about. Of course, a clan cannot move forward without a successor and that is only possible between two different genders. 

"Now wear this," I looked in front and saw my grandmother holding out a montsuki with the family crest on the back. Yin and yang with golden Sakura flowers, the family crest, "Wear this and take over the clan, Taehyung. Be their leader and—"

"I refuse!" I said and shook my head. The entire room gasped when they heard my response and I heard someone snicker. I bet it's mom.

"W-What?" my grandparents gasped as my grandmother placed a hand over her mouth, staring at me with those shocked eyes, "Why would you...?"

"I don't want this title," I said and took a step back, "I don't want to get involved with all these fights and bloodshed. I just..." I looked to my side to see Jungkook's mouth hanging wide open. I smiled and continued, "I just want to live a normal life with the one I love. Just us both. Together and forever."

When I said that, my hand went to my bracelet and touched it and even Jungkook copied my action.

"I want to be with him forever," I said and turned back to my grandparents who were still shocked, "I am sorry, but I can't accept it. I am really—"

"WAAAH!" my grandfather suddenly wailed and fell to his knees, "WHAT IS THIS DRAMA!? THIS IS...THIS IS...TOO EMOTIONAL!" What the heck is going on?

"Exactly!" my grandmother wailed and wiped her tears with her handkerchief, "I can't believe I cried because of that. THIS IS WORSE THAN THE SECOND LEAD NOT GETTING THE GIRL!"

"Oh my god! Get a grip, old guy!" I looked behind and saw my dad wailing against my mom who was patting his back, "You are so old and still you cry for those weird emotional lines."

"What's going on?" Jungkook asked me as he stood beside me. I shrugged and looked around and saw the...WHAT THE HECK!? WHY ARE THOSE BLACK SUIT GUYS CRYING?!

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