45. New Beginnings

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The next day~


"New year is coming soon, but I don't know what to plan for Taehyung," I hummed in sorrow as my palm supported my chin on the table.

"Is this going to be a regular thing?" Suga grumbled with annoyance as he snuggled against the velvety seat in my office, "Why do we have to come and eat and sleep here every time you want to do something for Taehyung? I bet you are going to call us here again for Valentine's too."

"I don't need to worry about my new year gift," Yoongi smirked and leaned back on the couch, "I can't wait to see Jimin in his new underwear."

"SHUT UP!" Jimin yelled and threw an empty sprite can at his face. He groaned, but didn't do or say anything to Jimin.

"I am sorry, but I need your help," I got up and paced around the room, knocking down the empty cans of sprite and pizza boxes which littered the floor, "I want it to be special."

"Go give him a kiss," Suga scoffed. I face-palmed myself and shook my head. 

"Buy him a ring," Jimin mumbled as he bit into his pizza slice.

"And ask him to marry me! Wonderful idea!" I clapped with joy and was smacked upside the head by Jin who shook his head, rejecting my idea.

"He just asked you to be his boyfriend and you are already jumping into marriage? Take it slow, idiot!" I apologized and again began to walk around the room while the others munched on their pizza slices.

"By the way," Namjoon interrupted the silence and asked me, "Where is Taehyung?"

"Minho wanted to wish him and give him his gift because he couldn't give it yesterday, so he called him over to his house," I said. 

"Minho? Is that Taehyung's boyfriend?" Yoongi asked and received a slap on the head from Jimin and a glare from me. Was that on purpose or he has no clue that me and Taehyung are dating?

"Just by him a luxurious bed and sleep on it all day," Suga mumbled and I shook my head. That's what you want, hyung.

"Oh wait!" Hobi raised his sprite can and gulped down his food, "How about taking him out of town? You know, you guys can go and stay out in the night and admire the stars or something like that. You won't be able to do that in a city. You get what I am saying?"

"That's...that's cool!" I grinned with joy and hugged my hyung who patted my head, "Thanks a lot, you guys!"

"No problem," Jimin gave me a thumbs up and I was already planning what to do. This new year will be the best for Taehyung and for me. I looked up and saw the others already dozing off in my office. Seriously? Why the heck do they make my office place as their house? They come here, eat and then sleep. Well, I usually ask them for their help, so I guess it is fair enough to let them trash my place.

"I asked Leishi." I stared up at Namjoon who came and sat beside me with a pizza slice in his hand.

"Asked her what?"

"About that day seven years ago," he chewed on his pizza slice while my hand clenched into fists, "She said that she was out with her friends, shopping."

"So, it wasn't her?" He nodded and I leaned back on my chair, "It must be someone who knew I was going to meet him."

"What about your father? Do you think he could have done it?"

"Nope. My father came to Seoul the next week. That week when I was rejected, he had some important clients to meet, so he wouldn't ditch his work for some romantic affair between two guys."

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