18. When's The Wedding?

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When Kaoru asked that question, three things happened that time. First, I almost choke to death and spat out the chicken wing which I was eating and it ended up on the floor. Second, Jungkook spat out the water he was drinking right at my face. Third, the entire world was waiting for the answer.

"Ew! Nii-chan has Jungkook's spit all over his face," Hikaru laughed and pointed at my drenched face. I got up to go wash my face. I saw Jungkook coughing as some of the water went inside his nose and he was bright red.

"Sorry," Jungkook apologized and I slightly nodded before hurrying up to the wash basin to wash away the dirty water on my face.

"So, Nii-chan?" Kaoru called from the dining table as I wiped my face with a towel, "When will you marry Jungkook-hyung?" What should I tell them?

"Why are you still talking about that?" Jungkook asked him and Kaoru pouted.

"I am curious," Kaoru said and blew raspberries at his face before turning to me, "So, when?"

"Uhmm...I—You see, we are not toge—"

"Wait, Nii-chan! Are you saying you two broke up?" Hikaru asked, his eyes tearing up and ready to burst any second. I stood behind my chair and gripped the headrest as I thought about how to say this. 

"Well, yes we did break up," Jungkook said and I looked at him. Dude! That's not the way you are supposed to tell them!

"But, why?" Kaoru cried out and we both looked at him, "Why? You guys were so nice and amazing and you were meant to be together and..."

He stopped to wipe away his tears with his sleeves and I was just crushed when I saw him crying.

Suddenly Jungkook patted both their heads and sighed, "Don't cry now. You shouldn't waste your tears on something like this."

"B-B-But," Kaoru sniffed and looked up at Jungkook with red eyes and a stuffy nose, "Doesn't it hurt for you both that you left each other? Didn't you cry?"

Jungkook looked at him and smiled, but it wasn't happiness or sadness. It was pain from the memories, "Love is not always happy and cheerful, rainbows and unicorns, hugs and kisses. There are times when it takes a whole new turn. It turns painful and the pain is unbearable. It is like a knife stabbing you, but it stabs not the body. It stabs something deep inside us. Our heart.

"But sometimes that painful love can change back to being beautiful. Break ups are like a test to us. When two people, who love each other a lot, decides to break up and end ties, that's when they both suffer. For days or weeks or months or even years, they keep asking themselves this question; Do I still love him or her?"

He looked at me and I stared into those eyes that had cried for me. He looked away and continued, "When they finally find the answer, they decide what they should do in the future. Go back to the one they loved before or find a new one."

"And what will you do, hyung?" Hikaru asked him and he smiled. 

"I can't marry him because I don't know how he feels for me," he said and turned to me, "But then, I already know the answer to that question. No matter how much I try to poison his character with all the negative thoughts in my head, I still love him." 

My eyes grew wide when I heard him say that. He still loves me? I could feel my heart jumping round and round and twirling like a ballerina. Did he really mean it or—

"Like a friend. I love him as a friend," Jungkook finished and I mentally slapped myself. Taehyung, keep dreaming. That guy can never love you. I sighed and picked up the empty plates and kept them in the sink.

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