50. Broken Wings

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"Blech!" I puked out the half digested food into a dirty sink. My stomach was turning itself inside out and forcing me to remove out the disgusting food which they fed me. It wasn't poisonous, but disgusting.

I leaned back on the bathroom walls and exhaled heavily. It has been three days since I was kidnapped. Everyday was the same. Chizu would come early in the morning and would wake me up in the worst way possible. She would either sit on me and pick at my flesh with her nails or would whip me with a thick rope or even twist my arm.

Before my back was only covered with bruises and cuts, now they even decorated my chest. Not cuts, but black and blue spots in places where Chizu would kick me for back talking at her. Could I stop that? Nah. It was fun when she gets pissed, but the price was painful.

I slowly limped my way back to my bed and sat down carefully, wincing at the sudden shot of pain through my body. Just as I was about to lay down, the devil entered in. Not the b*tch, but the devil. I internally groaned when he sat beside me on the bed.

"Chizu keeps talking about how annoying you have become. Even worse than before, or maybe not," he sighed and continued, "I still remember when you were young. You were so small and fragile. A little pile of bones and skin you were.

"But now, you have become someone different. You are no longer a fragile glass piece, but a strong diamond. I wonder if it is something to do with that boy who sleeps with you."

My stomach tightened when I realized he was talking about Jungkook. He saw my wide opened eyes and smirked, "So it is because of him. What if I break him too?"

"I won't let you do that," I snapped at him as his smirk drooped down to a scowl. I gulped down nothing when he got up and stared at me with those chestnut eyes, boring holes into mine.

"You won't let me do that?" he asked me in his monotonous voice, "As if you can stop me."

"I don't care how, but you can't hurt him without defeating me," my hands clenched into fists as I glared at him. I had no control on what I was saying, but whatever I said was making him pissed. 

"I can't hurt him without defeating you. Why does it sound funny?" he chuckled as he walked away. But before he left, he turned back and said, "No matter what you do, I will find that boy and rip his wings just like I did to you, Angel." 

He slammed the door shut, leaving me sweating and gripping onto the mattress with fear. Was it a joke or is he really going to hurt Jungkook?



Two days have passed since I have been searching for Taehyung, but he was nowhere to be found. I looked all over Seoul and even asked the people, who lived around his apartment, if they had seen him, but to my utter disappointment, no one saw him. He was kidnapped in the evening and was taken away in a car whose number plate wasn't visible.

I groaned as I drove back to the office. My five hours search was coming to an end and Namjoon warned me about the consequences of being late. I parked the car and made my way to my office. When I opened it, I gasped when I saw my father sitting on the couch, with his right leg over his left leg and his hands crossed over his chest.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as I shut the door and made my way towards him.

"I am here for...business," he said and I sat down on the chair opposite him. I glared at him because I knew that he wasn't here only for business.

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