49. Electric Blue Eyes

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked around me. It was dark, but the shuffling feet of a person woke me up from my sleep, "Jungkook?" I whispered and sat up. Where am I? This is not my place, then did I—oh yeah, I was kidnapped by Akio and Chizu. So it can't be Jungkook, unless he came here to save me. I sighed and touched my back to feel the cuts. 

Huh? What's this? I couldn't feel the cuts and there was no blood either. What was going—

"Angel." I looked in the front and saw a boy standing a few feet away from me. Under the dull moon light, I could see his clothes were torn and dirty and his black hair was messy. But what caught my eyes were his eyes which were the color of blue, electric blue. 

Electric blue eyes. There was only one person who I met who had those beautiful eyes. I gaped at him as my heart began to beat fast. My hands clenched the pillow beside me, my nails digging into the thin fabric. 

It can't be him. 

"Mei? H-how are you...?" I looked at him from top to bottom and I reached out to him, but he backed away and shook his head, indicating me to not touch him. 

"Angel. Why didn't you save me?" he asked and the past memories reminded me of what he was talking about. That day. I bit my lower lip as my heart sank deeper into my chest, guilty of what had happened that day.

"M-Mei. I swear I was going to save you, but—"

"But what?" he stopped me and sighed. He looked heartbroken.

"Mei. I...I am sorry," I sobbed as the tears rolled down my cheek, "I didn't know what to do that time. I was...I was weak and stupid. I...I—I am a bad friend."

Mei watched as I wiped my tears with my sleeves and smiled, "You are not a bad friend, Angel. And plus, I was joking about that save me shit."


"I am not angry with you, Angel," he smiled as he slowly walked towards me, "They didn't let you save me, so it is not your fault. Don't blame yourself." 

"But..." He held out my hands and I looked at him smiling at me.

"You were always my friend. Come with me, Angel. Let's go to where I live now. The heavens. Want to see it?" I looked down at his hand and back at him. His blue eyes were shimmering with joy at the thought of me going back with him. To being together, like before. I reached out to touch his hand when suddenly a voice whispered.

My chocolate.

"Jungkook," I suddenly said and looked around me. I sighed when I realized it wasn't him, but just his voice in my head.

"Jungkook," Mei repeated and raised an eyebrow at me, "Who is that?"

"The one I trust and the one I love the most," I said and smiled at the night sky which was visible through a window. Mei shuffled beside me and watched as I talked about Jungkook, "Jungkook was first my...enemy, but later, he became more than that. He became a friend and then a lover. He was the one who saved me from those creepy nightmares. He is like the light in my life and—"

"Okay stop," Mei said and sighed, "If you continue, then I will probably cringe in one corner and puke at you. So, just stop."

"Shut up! He is really a nice guy," I said and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Yeah, the way you describe him is like as if he is your boy...friend," he slowly looked at me and screamed. For no reason, I screamed at him screaming, "YOU ARE GAY!"

"Yeah! Wait, are you homophobic?" I asked him and was ready to punch his face if he said yes. But he shook his head. Thank god!

"How can I be homophobic when I was madly in love with you before?" he said and that made me snap my head towards him. He didn't say what I heard, right? Did he just confess his feelings? 

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