10. A Secret For A Secret

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Three weeks had passed since I left America and came to Seoul. The main plan was to finish the work fast and hurry back to America, but I purposefully went slow. I wanted to spend some quality time with my friends who I hadn't contacted for a long time. I dearly missed them a lot and had a lot of catching up to do.

Even with Taehyung.

I can't believe that I actually agreed to be his friend. I was only supposed to come to Seoul and ignore him and go back, but no. I met him, we tried to ignore but we couldn't, he is now my assistant, and now my friend. Pretty weird, right?

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time before heading out of my room and going to my office. While I was heading downstairs, I heard whispers and cackles coming from the balcony which overlooked the garden. 

I slowly tip-toed over to the place and I saw Leishi and my mother talking and laughing in whispers. Must be drooling over another handsome guy again or discussing ways to win me over. I turned to head back until a word caught my attention.

"Your father-in-law just contacted me yesterday night and do you know what he said?" my mother said and I tried to listen to what she was going to say next. 

"Oh! What is it? Is he going to tell Jungkook to come back to America? I so badly want to go back there. I miss that place so much and I had to come here to make sure Jungkook doesn't fall in love with someone else. So are we going back?" Leishi asked and I bit my lip. I can't go back to America so soon. I thought Leishi came here because she wanted to or maybe something was discussed between my father and her.

"Nope. That's not what he said," my mother replied and I sighed. Good. Then what did he talk about? "Instead he will be coming here on Friday. Make sure to greet him properly, darling."

"Why is he coming here?"

"He has a meeting to attend to and plus, he wants to surprise Jungkook. Cute, right?" she said and I mentally puked. I bet he wanted to see what I had done for the past three weeks. 

Friday? That was two days from now. Crap! I ran out of there and to my car and drove to my office. When I opened the doors, I saw Taehyung sitting on his desk and eating ice-cream. Seriously?! 

"Yo boss!" he waved at me and I awkwardly waved back. I went to my desk and sat down to complete my incomplete work. I could see Taehyung still eating his ice-cream and I ignored him. Work before staring. 

"Want some?" I suddenly saw Taehyung holding the ice-cream cup in front of my face.


"You look like you will erupt like a volcano any second," he chuckled and I rolled my eyes at him, "If you eat the ice-cream, it will cool down your temperature and you can work peacefully again. So do you want some?"

"If I eat it, would you leave me alone?" I asked and he scowled at me.

"Sure, ass!" I smiled and took a huge scoop out of the cup. I licked my lips and I saw his eye widen at the almost empty cup.

"Thanks," I said and he glared at me.

"You ate the entire thing, you meat head!"

"A small bite can't calm down a volcano," I smiled and continued, "So I took a big bite."

"I hate you," he grumbled.

"I hate you too," I made a kissy face at him and he looked at me with disgust before heading back to his desk. The ice-cream did calm me down and I was thankful for that. Now, back to finishing my work. 

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