48. When He Met Him

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The next day~


"LET ME GO! I NEED TO SEARCH FOR TAEHYUNG!" I yelled as I tried to remove myself from the ropes which tied to me a chair. The ropes were harshly tied to my hands and feet and the chair was not wooden, but steel which made it even harder to break.

Yoongi stood by the door and stared at me with a blank stare. He was in charge of making sure that I did not escape and run away to find Taehyung.

"YOONGI HYUNG! PLEASE! LET ME GO! I WILL GIVE YOU MY BED IF YOU WANT!" I shouted, but he didn't bat an eyelash at me. I sighed and leaned back on the chair. Taehyung's mom is fricking strong.

Just a few hours back when she told us about Taehyung getting kidnapped, I was about to go outside to find him, but she stopped me. I begged her to let me go, but she refused every single time. That's why I escaped through the window when I was alone in the room and made my way to my car. But before I could even start the engine, she came and knocked me unconscious. And when I woke up, I was tied to the chair.

"THIS IS NOT FAIR! LET ME GO!" I yelled. Yoongi got frustrated and threw his shoe on my face. I made a disgusted face when it made contact with my face. Does he know that his shoes stinks?!

"Be quiet will you," he glared at me and looked away, "Just shut up and sit. The rest of us will find him."

"Even I want to find him."

"If you go out alone, the kidnapper might find you and kill you because you are close to Taehyung or something like that. So just shut up."

"Fine, then," I scoffed at him, "I am never ever allowing you to sleep on my bed."

"It's okay. I found a better one," he smirked at me. WHAT?! Now, how am I supposed to get out of here?

Suddenly the door opened and walked in the one who knocked me unconscious. Taehyung's mother looked at me with her guilty filled eyes as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank god you are alive or else I would have killed myself," she said and I mentally rolled my eyes. She did the same things before too...I guess. I looked behind her and saw some guys with black suits. Men in Black? Woah! Are we going to capture aliens and save the world? But I need to save my precious alien first before beating up the bad aliens.

She saw me staring at them and said, "These are the people who will be in charge of finding Taehyung. You don't need to worry because these guys are professional and they will find him real quick."

"I want to find him," I said and she shook her head, refusing my demand.

"I can't allow that. If anything happens to you, I can't—"

"What about Taehyung?" I interrupted her, "What if something happens to him? Let me also go and find him. Please!"

She turned back and said something to those Men in Black guys. They nodded and left before she turned to me, "Taehyung will be found and I promise you that. But I need you to cooperate Jungkook. I am pretty sure Taehyung wouldn't want you to go and get beaten up by them."

"I am strong. I can beat them up." She laughed at my words as she sat down on a chair in front of me.

"You are really funny. You think you can beat them? If you can't beat me, you possibly can't beat them. They are way stronger than me and you."

"I don't care. I am going to kick their balls and bring back Taehyung. So, LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I moved the chair from side to side, hoping to get the roped undone. She shook her head and said, "I would have let you go and search for him. But I can't."

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