56. Leishi's Truth

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"Where do you think Jungkook must have gone?" I asked Jimin who was busy braiding a strand of my hair.

"Who knows? He probably must be having some family time with his mother," Jimin shrugged his shoulder and looked towards Yoongi, "We have to go now. Think you can stay alone for some time?"

"I am not a baby, so yeah, I can stay alone for some time or probably more than that," I pouted as he let out a chuckle. He left my hair and walked towards the door.

"Bye Tae," he waved at me and I waved back at him. The rest followed him and soon, the entire room was silent and empty. I sighed and laid down on my bed with my hands resting on top of my stomach.

It was sort of awkward to know that everything was finally over and I can now, peacefully live with Jungkook. All the pasts and all the secrets were finally out and it was like a huge weight was lifted off of me. My hands unconsciously made its way to the bracelet and began to play with the name plate. 

"Taehyung?" I suddenly heard someone call me and bolted up from my bed. My eyes grew wide as I stared at the person standing near the door.

"Y-You...what are you doing here?"



"That shit hurts!" I groaned as we made our way out of the blood test room. My mom laughed as she placed an arm on my shoulder.

"That scream of yours was pretty good," she laughed and I scoffed at her, "And I still can't believe that you actually believed what I had said about being a vampire. I mean, do I look like one?"

"You look like a witch," I smirked and received a whack on the head.

"What did I say about not insulting your mother, huh?" she nudged my ribs as I rolled my eyes at her, "How about having some food before meeting your boyfriend, hmm?"

"I actually want to ask you—" I was suddenly interrupted when she placed a palm on my mouth.

"Let's eat and talk," she chuckled and made her way out of the hospital and to a nearby restaurant. I groaned and followed her to a table which had two chairs. I sat down in front of the table while she sat opposite to me.

"What do you want?" she asked me as she skimmed through the menu card.

"Banana milk," I said and she gave a smile before telling her orders to the waiter. We sat in silence as I awkwardly looked around at the people around us and the intricate designs on the walls.

"So, you had something to tell me?" she asked me as she took a sip from the glass of water. I nodded and clenched my hands in front of me.

"You...do you have like a problem with me being gay?" I asked her and without hesitation, she shook her head, "Like really?"

"Look here," she licked her lips and placed her elbows on the table and looked straight at me, "I don't care whether you are a gay, or trans, or pan, or even a tiny bunny. I am just glad you found someone like him. Someone who can make you happy and be with you forever. So, I don't really have a problem. And plus, I am an LGBT supporter."

"I see," I smiled to myself as I looked up at her, "Thank you."

"But if you break that poor boy's heart, I am going to rip your head off," she flashed a wicked grin and I rolled my eyes at her. As if I will ever break that innocent baby of mine, "Or if he breaks your heart, I am going to rip his teeth off."

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