35. Make Me Warm

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Time skips to next week~


"Where is Taehyung?" I asked Jimin who was painfully dragging a huge water can to the bus. He stopped and wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked around.

"He is still packing his clothes. It might take another hour or two." An hour or two?! What was that guy doing yesterday. I picked up my bag and walked inside. The others had already come except for Suga, Hobi, Ara and Taehyung. 

"I think you should keep your bag at the back of the bus where they keep the luggage and all," Jin pointed at my bag. I groaned and walked down just in time to see Taehyung running towards us. An hour or two, huh?

"Sorry I am late," he panted and threw his bag at me, "Keep this in the luggage place, please!"

His puppy eyes and exhausted state made me surrender to his command and I dragged both our bags and placed them in the back of the bus. All the supplies where already in, so now we have to wait for the other three to come.

It was still early morning. The sun had still not risen, so it was still dark. The place was really quiet. I had only seen two or three people out of their house who had woken up early for a quick jog around the neighborhood.

"Aren't you going to come in?" I turned to the side and saw Taehyung had covered himself with a shawl. 

"Is it cold?" I asked him and he bobbed his head up and down. He leaned against the bus just like I did and rubbed his palm together to keep them warm. I removed my black beanie from my head and carefully put it over his head. He stood still as I adjusted it properly to hide his ears from the cold.

"There! Now you won't feel cold," I said and he nodded. He looked at me and saw that I was just wearing a plain jacket and mittens, "Are you not feeling cold?"

"Cold?" I said and stood beside him, "If you are by my side, I won't feel the cold."

I saw him slightly blush and he punched me in the shoulder from embarrassment. I wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer to me, receiving a short yelp from him.

"Make me warm, Tae," I whispered into his ears and he mumbled something about being more cheesier than a cheese.

"PG-13!" we looked behind and saw Suga, Hobi and Ara walking towards us. They were all bundled up with jackets especially Ara, who looked a little fat with the number of jackets they forced her to put on.

"We weren't going to do something disgusting," I said to Hobi who had yelled at us. He rolled his eyes and dumped their bags along with ours.

"Just warning you to do it in closed room and not in open areas," he warned me and I nodded. Only if Taehyung allows me. 

"Is Taehyungie sleeping?" Ara asked me and pointed to the living angel beside me. I shook him and he didn't respond. Woah! He really did fall asleep in my arms. 

"You guys get in. I will bring this guy along," I said and they nodded. They filed into the bus, while I was busy thinking of how to carry him. Without wasting a second, I threw him over my shoulder and walked inside the bus. Just as we entered, everyone began to coo and yell at the sight they saw.

"Shut up, you idiots!" I shushed them and they all fell silent, "He is sleeping, so no making any noise."

"Husband mode," Jimin cooed and I rolled my eyes, but deep inside, I was blushing crazy. I slowly lowered him to his seat and sat beside him. I closed the window so that the cold air won't bother his beauty sleep. I placed his head on my shoulder and I heard people around me giggling.

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