39. Heart Touching Drama

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"Wife?" I said and looked between the ghost and the scared Ara. Did she really say that?

"WIFE?!" Suga and Hobi yelled together and pointed at me and Jin, "WHAT ABOUT THEM?! THEY ARE YOUR HUSBANDS!"

"Husband? Who said that?" Jin yelled back and crossed his arms in front of his chest, "Namjoon is my husband. I was just telling Taehyung that I am way handsomer than him."

"I am way handsome," I argued back and we ended up fighting again. Suddenly we were pulled apart by some invisible force and was slammed to the ground. 

"TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook yelled and ran towards me. He lifted me up with his arms and took me back to the group.

"Are you fine? Did you break any bones? You didn't get hurt, right? No scratches? No blood?" he began to shoot questions at me and the whole time I was either nodding or shaking my head from side to side.

"Ara...wife," the ghost lady pointed at Ara and began to walk towards her. Or float since her foot wasn't touching the ground. Ara screamed with fright and ran to us.

"W-W-What is that?!" she pointed at the ghost who was heading towards us. Let's rewind a little bit. So the ghost forgot about me and that's good, like really good. Now it wants Ara as her wife. Is she bisexual? 

"Shoo away!" Suga yelled and waved his towel at her, as if he was swatting away a fly. But it didn't work and she kept walking—I mean, floating towards Ara. Ara was terrified and hid among us.

"Wife...you," the ghost lady cackled and we all creeped out when she did that. It wasn't a nice laugh and it was way worse than how the actors in movies do. This was scary and weird at the same time.

"I AM NOT LETTING YOU MARRY OUR ARA!" Hobi yelled and hugged his child.

"EXACTLY!" Ara yelled and pointed at the lady, "I WILL NEVER MARRY YOU! I AM ALREADY ENGAGED TO YOONGI!"

"WHAT?!" we all yelled and stared at Ara who had placed a hand over her mouth.

"HUH?!" the ghost lady whisper-shouted and looked at us, wondering who this Yoongi was.

"ENGAGED!?" Jimin yelled and looked at Yoongi whose eyes were wide with shock, "YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED TO HER!? WHAT ABOUT OUR SEVEN YEARS OF LOVE? YOU MEANO!"

"I am not engaged to her," Yoongi snapped and turned to Ara who was innocently watch them fight, "OY! Listen here, kiddo. I am your uncle or you can also call me big brother. But I will never ever look at you the same way I look at Jimin."

"So, you won't look at me like a friend?" she asked and before he could say anything, she clapped her hands and squealed with joy, "Yoongi and I are officially going to get married. Right, Papa?" 

Suga looked like a ticking bomb. He slowly turned to Yoongi and gave him a creepy smile, "You and me need to talk."

"Yay!" Ara yelled and hugged Suga," Make sure to get me a white-pinkish wedding dress."

"WHAT?!" we all yelled. All of a sudden, Jimin got up and looked in front. Is he going to kill Ara?

"Yoongi..." he took a deep breath and looked at the love of his life, "May you have an amazing marriage with Ara and keep her happy for me. Okay? Looks like, we were only meant to be friends and nothing more. I am sorry for wasting your time on me. This is goodbye."

He bent down to kiss Yoongi on his lips, who was totally shocked when he heard his boyfriend say that. Jimin patted his cheek and got up. This is so emotional. I wiped away a fake tear and Jungkook looked at me like I had gone mad or something.

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