27. Forgive...Or Not?

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"I am really sorry, Taehyung," Jungkook repeated and looked at me with those guilty eyes, "I didn't mean any of it. I was just lost in my feelings and had no clue what I was saying or doing."

I didn't say anything. My eyes were fixed on the wall in front of me and the incident of him and me fighting kept replaying in my head. How can I forgive someone like him? I mean, he did something like that, accused me for something I didn't do and all his actions were unforgivable.

"Just leave," I said and walked towards my room. I heard him get up and suddenly, he grabbed my wrist and stopped me from walking away.

"I am truly sorry, Taehyung," he said and I could hear his voice crack a bit, "If you want, you can slap me, kick me, break me, throw me away. You can do anything you want with me."

I looked at his hand which was holding my hand and internally sighed. Should I take the deal and slap him? I mean, it would be fun, no? I turned to him and saw his eyes were glassy, the tears threatening to come out. Is...is he going to cry? HUH!? I don't know how to comfort crying people.

"Uhmm...did you mean it?" I asked him and he stared at me with confusion, "I mean, did you mean all those things you said."

"Yes! I am truly truly sorry and—"

"I wasn't talking about that," I said and he raised an eyebrow, "The kicking and slapping you, did you mean it?"

"Uhmm...yeah, sure!" he said and rubbed the back of his neck with his other hand. I bet he didn't expect that. 

"Then, I can do anything I want with you, right?" I said and he bit his lower lip. All of a sudden, the sad looking Jungkook turned red.

"Yea-Yeah," he stuttered and avoided looking at me, "Any-Anything you want."

"Then," I walked towards him and I could feel him tense up from how close I was to him, "go kill yourself."

"HUH?" he stared at me with disbelief and I sighed.

"You said that you would do whatever I say, then why are you hesitating?" I asked him and he nodded. He let go of my hand and walked away from me. What's he doing? 

He walked towards the front door and held onto the handle. He looked behind and stared at me with those dead-looking eyes, "I am going now. The mansion is all yours and you are no longer my assistant. Plus, you get all my money from the bank, but you have to share at least a quarter of it to your twin brothers. Make sure to get me banana milk everyday to my grave and—"

"WAIT, WHAT?!" I interrupted him and face-palmed myself, "I was just joking, you idiot. You don't have to do that."

"Hmm..." he retrieved his hand and smirked at me, "as if I was going to go do that."


"But, you still haven't answered the main question," he said and walked towards me before halting right in front of my face, "Will you forgive me?"

He was too close to me. Like, too close! I could barely breathe when the entire air in front of me had Jungkook's in it. I avoided looking at his eyes, but my stupid, horny eyes wandered down to his lips which had curled into a smirk, as if he knew where I was looking.

"Uhmm...I can't forgive you," I said and lightly pushed him away, "Your actions...they were—it was mean of you to just assume that I was the person who ruined the entire thing. So, I can't forgive you. End of discussion."

I turned around, but suddenly I felt a pair of arms around my torso and it pulled me back to Jungkook's chest. He buried his face into the crook of my neck and I could feel him breath heavily.

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