43. I Am All Yours

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What's coming next is an amateur work of a 'steamy scene'. You have been warned. An amateur alien's work. Does not contain 'stick and hole'. Sowwy! :)


"Phew! That was a very long hour!" A long hour indeed it was as I laid down on the couch and cuddled against the warm material of my new sweater which Jin had given to me as a gift. Jin had gotten me dozens of clothes and made me wear all of them. So for almost an hour, I was trying out clothes and modelling in front of him and Jimin. I sighed and closed my eyes to catch a few winks before Jungkook comes home. 

I smiled when I recalled his sweet voice singing out my name and the way he had whispered 'my love' to me before kissing my forehead. It sent shivers all over my body and it made me feel warm and bubbly inside.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I sprung up from my position. It's Jungkook. Mentally squealing with joy, I ran towards the door and opened it to reveal Jungkook who was standing in front with his hands in his pockets and his dark eyes scanning me from top to bottom.

Okay, did I say dark eyes? I did say that because there was this sort of darkness visible in his eyes and whatever it was, it wasn't good. I mean, he was radiating an aura that said 'we need to talk about you'. Like a really serious aura.

I nervously chuckled and opened the door wide to let him in, "Hey, Jungkook. You came!" He didn't reply and walked inside. I frowned and closed the door, carefully locking it before heading towards him. He sat down on the couch and stared at me with that same look. 

"Come here," he beckoned me towards him with his deep, demanding voice. As if like a magnet, I dragged myself to him without asking any questions. Just as I was close to him, he suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. I yelped, but luckily didn't fall on him. I supported myself with my hands on the couch's head rest and a knee which balanced on the couch. It looked like I had caged him within my arms. He looked up at me and tilted his head.

"Why are you in this weird position?" he asked me and I mentally cursed him. You were the one who pulled me, idiot! Before I could speak, he wrapped an arm around my hip and pushed me down onto his lap. My face turned scarlet when I realized I was sitting on his lap, "I guess now it is comfortable, right?" No way!

"Uhmm...why are you doing this?" I asked as he leaned back on the couch and sighed. Was he pissed or annoyed at someone at the meeting?

"I met your boyfriend today," he spoke and I was confused when he said that. Boyfriend? When did I—OH SHIT! I tried to remain calm as he continued to speak, "His name was Zetsu, but he claimed himself to be a Beomgyu who wasn't dating Taehyung, but was dating a Taehyun. So, who is Zetsu?"

Crap! Shit! I am dead! I should have listened to Minho and told him before itself instead of waiting and waiting like an idiot. I am stupid!

"Who is Zetsu?" he repeated his question and was staring at me with those dark, cold eyes. He suddenly grabbed both my hands and placed it on his shoulder, "If you think of running away, you have no choice."

How did he know that?! I tried not to think this time! But more importantly, I must tell him the truth before he blasts like a bomb.

"Zetsu does not exist in this world," I said and he raised an eyebrow at me. I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself and continued, "Zetsu was just a name I came up in the last minute. I mixed up Natsu and Zeref and it became Zetsu."

"Sheesh!" he shook his head and sighed, "All this time I was jealous of a non-existing creature. But then, why would you even do that?"

"Because..." I bit my lower lip as I thought hard about it. I was too embarrassed to tell him the truth. I looked away and stared at the pillow which was lying beside him. He noticed that I was avoiding him and slid his fingers under my chin and yanked my head towards his face.

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