19. Office Invasion

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"I KNEW IT!" I woke up when someone shouted at the top of their voice. I looked around and saw Hikaru and Kaoru holding a phone and...were they filming a video?

"UGH!" I looked to my side and saw Taehyung tossing and rolling on the bed and grumbling to himself, "Can't let me sleep at all? He has insomnia so let him not sleep and let him just stay awake for the—"

"Uhmm...Tae?" I poked his shoulder hoping he would wake up, but he swung a pillow at my face. I fell off the bed and landed on my poor ass. Ouch! I think I broke my butt!

"I want to sleep," he whined and I got up with a lot of pain. I saw the two boys, still standing by the door and giggling and whispering to themselves.

"Oy!" I yelled at them and they turned their attention to me, "What are you both doing here and why did you guys have to scream so loudly?"

"You lied to us, hyung!" Kaoru pouted and Hikaru crossed his arms in front of his chest. Huh? What did I lie to them?

"Uhmm...what did I say?" I asked them and they just looked away, "Oy! I am sorry, but I really don't know what you are saying."

"Hyung, you are a big, fat liar," they yelled at me. What did I actually say!? Hikaru then told me for what I was lying about, "You said that you were no longer together, but then you both slept together the whole night."

Oh my god! These kids think too much. I scratched the back of my neck and looked at them, "We were sleeping together because you guys stole Taehyung's bed. It was not because we are together or something like that."

"Again you are lying, hyung," Kaoru said and I sighed. Did they even listen to what I had said? "You both were hugging each other."

"Hug?" I raised an eyebrow at them and they simultaneously nodded, "Bullshit! We didn't do anything like that."

"You think we are lying, right?" Kaoru asked me and I sighed.

"Look. I don't know what you guys saw, but there is one thing for sure. Me and Taehyung are not together. We are friends. You got that?" I pointed at both of them, but they just blew raspberries at me and looked away. Stubborn kids!

"We are not lying, hyung," Hikaru said and took out his phone and clicked on something, "Here is the video." He handed me his phone and saw the video. My eyes grew wide open as I saw Taehyung burying his head in my chest and his arms around me while my arms were around his waist. If anyone had seen this, they would have thought we were dating. 

"Holy shit!" I muttered to myself and I looked back at the twins who had a wicked smile on their faces. Before I could delete it, Hikaru snatched the phone from me and chuckled.

"You can't delete the video, hyung," Kaoru smirked at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Send me the video then," I winked at them and they were shocked when I did that, "I want to tease Taehyung with that."

"Nope," they said and I sighed, "NII-CHAN, WAKE UP!"

"SHUT UP!" Taehyung yelled back and threw pillow, but instead of hitting them, it fell on my face. Luckily, I didn't fall this time. He sat up and glared at me and then at them.

"Why the heck can't you allow a sleep-deprived guy like me to sleep?" he yelled at us three.

"Nii-chan, you lied to us," Kaoru spoke and continued, "You said that you and Jungkook are not together anymore, but you are, aren't you?"


"See!" they showed him the video and he watched it, his eyes wide with shock and after it got over, he looked at them.

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