42. Zetsu

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Taehyung's birthday (Yippee)~


"Taehyung~" I sang into his ears as he pulled the quilt over his head to block out my beautiful voice. I scoffed and jumped on him, resulting in a slight yelp from Taehyung who must have been crushed by me. Hehe...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I yelled and ripped of the quilt from his hands as I exposed him to the cold morning air, "RISE AND SHINE, TAEHYUNG THE BIRTHDAY BOY!"

"Let me sleep, shtinky pervert!" he groaned and hugged his life-size Zeref pillow. I thought I hid it, then how the heck did he—Oh, that must have been Natsu.

"Taehyung!" I began to shake his arm and he groaned in annoyance, "It's your birthday so get up! It is the day a lovely angel was born!"

"I don't care!" he mumbled and turned to the other side. How annoying is he! I sighed and walked to the other side of bed to wake him up. When I was about to yell at him again, I saw the visible dark patches under his eyes. He must be tired from yesterday's late night work.

I sat beside him and listened to his soft snore. I wanted to badly wake him up and see the present I bought for him, but I guess, I can give it to him when he gets up.

I pushed away the brown bangs in front of his eyes and smiled at him, "Since it is your birthday, take a rest and don't come to the office."

I heard him let out a heavy breath and smiled as I planted a kiss on his forehead, "Happy birthday, my love."

I got up and walked out of his room, slowly locking his door and heading out of his apartment. Just as I turned the front door handle and opened it, Jimin jumped in with his arms spread wide open, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAE—Kookie? What are you doing here?"

"I came here to wish him, but he is really tired so I let him sleep," I sighed and Jimin patted my back.

"It's okay. Jin hyung and I will stay here and we will call you when he gets up, okay?" he asked and I nodded.

"Wait, did you say Jin-hyung?" Just as I asked, I heard Jin scream from outside.

"TAE, MY BABY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Jin yelled from the ground floor and I slapped my forehead.

"Does he have to be loud?" I mumbled while Jimin simply laughed. We saw Jin running towards us with a huge number of bags in his hands. I saw Namjoon walk behind him with another load of bags. Why the hell are they so many bags in their hands?!

"Where is my baby?" Jin panted and tried to barge inside, but I put a hand on his chest and lightly pushed him back.

"Tae is sleeping, so don't disturb him. And plus, he is my baby, not yours," I said and Jimin snickered beside me. Jin sighed and placed the bags down as he took a deep breath to calm his racing heart.

"You all are my babies. So I can call any one of you as my baby. Not in the wifey or hubby way, but in a motherly way."

"Uhmm...okay," I said and looked at my watch, "I better get going. I have a meeting to attend now and plus, no disturbing Tae."

"Okay. We will call you when he wakes up," Jimin said and walked inside with Jin while I went out with Namjoon. They shut the door and we walked to the car.

"What was in all those bags? Did he buy an entire Gucci store?" I asked Namjoon and he shook his head.

"Some things even I don't know. I was just carrying all the stuff while he bought them all. I only noticed one item which he bought. It was a cute underwear."

"Pfft! Underwear!?" I asked Namjoon and he nodded, "What the heck is so cute about an underwear?"

"It had a soft, furry tail attached to it." 

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