25. Stick And Hole

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"Taehyung?" I said and looked at the rest who were just standing near the door, waiting for me to come, "It's Taehyung!"

"WHAT?!" they all shouted and ran towards me. They saw the Caller ID and looked at me and nodded, indicating that I should answer it. I took a deep breath and swiped the green button.

"Hello? Taehyung? Look I am sorry. I-I did-didn't mean for it to happen. I was stupid and I still am. And—"

"Wait," someone spoke from the other side and it wasn't Taehyung, "This is not Taehyung talking."

"Who the f**k are you?" I replied back in a cold manner. If he kidnapped Tae, I am going to rip him into—

"If you think I am some kidnapper or something else, I am not," the person said and I raised an eyebrow in confusion, "I am just a simple bartender."


"BARTENDER!?" the others yelled around me and I shushed them to be quiet. Noisy kids!

"Yes, I am a bartender and your friend here has been drinking and drinking for a long time. He tried to call you, but he passed out before he could talk."

"Uhmm...which bar is he in?"

"Dionysus." Cool name!

"Thank you. I will be there in a second. Take care of him till I come."

"Okay, hurry up." The man cut the call and I looked at the others who looked pretty worried.

"I am going to go and get him back," I said and rushed towards the door when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned behind and saw Jimin staring at me.


"Bring him back in one piece," he said and I nodded. I left the place and headed straight to the bar. One piece? Does he believe that I might break Taehyung into pieces? Why will I even do that?

I finally came to the bar 'Dionysus' and ran inside without bothering to park the car in a safe place. When I entered the place, I was immediately hit by the smell of sweat, alcohol and some other weird smell which I couldn't make out. People were there everywhere and it was totally overpopulated, like there wasn't any space left. How could they even breathe? 

I squished myself in the crowd and made my way to the bar stand. The drunk ladies eyed me like I was some kind of candy to be licked and teased around. I avoided the lustful eyes and made my way to Taehyung.

I saw the bartender cleaning the glasses and behind him was Taehyung, sleeping peacefully on a chair. I saw some guys and girls eyeing him and I walked in front and glared at them till they went back to doing what they should be doing. 

The bartender saw me and asked, "Are you Jungkook?" I nodded, "Prove it."

"Huh?" He took out his phone and dialed someone. Suddenly my phone rang and he smiled.

"Looks like it is you. There were people coming up to me and saying that he belongs to them or he was some close friend of theirs. Luckily, I was smart enough and waited for the person he called," he said and carefully lifted Taehyung from his seat, "I believe he belongs to you."

"Not anymore," I sadly said and took Taehyung from him. I put one of his arm on my shoulder and held him up with my arm around his waist, "He will never ever forgive me."

"Oh don't worry," the bartender said while wiping a glass and smiling at me, "I don't know the entire detail, but he kept telling me the same thing that his fake boyfriend slapped him really hard for something he didn't even do."

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