13. Moon Light

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"Oh my goodness! Is this your son, Sung-ho?" a plump lady who wore too much make up and was overly-dressed asked my dad who simply nodded at her. She ruffled my hair with her manicured hands and it took all my will power to not punch her. 

"He has grown up so much. Aww!" another lady beside her said and smiled at me. Lady, what do you think I have been doing these many years? Obviously I have grown up! Can't they say something else?

"Indeed he has," my father said and put a hand on my shoulder, "Soon, he will be taking over the position of CEO of Jeon Enterprises."

Get your hand off of my shoulder, chicken head! I glared at him and he just chuckled at my expression, but he didn't let go of my shoulder. The ladies all wished me for the future and went away to pester another handsome kid.

"You should talk more, Jungkook," my father said and I removed his hand from my shoulder.

"I don't talk to shitty humans," I snarled and he sighed.

"I have no clue where you got that attitude. Perhaps from that assistant of yours," he said the word 'assistant' in disgust and that triggered me. He saw my change in expression and grinned, "Do you fancy him, Jungkook?"

"He is my friend," I snapped at him, but the last word was choked out of me. He snickered and looked away from me.

"Even after he rejected you harshly, you still accept him as a friend. That is really stupid," he laughed one of his hideous laughs and I balled my hands into fists, waiting to punch and break his nose, "Do you remember how much you suffered when he rejected you? You cried yourself to death everyday and didn't eat anything for a week. A poor heartbroken boy you were, who was totally weak when it came to love. And you said to me that your relationship was strong. I bet it was only one sided." 

I bit my lower lip and stared at the ground as I recalled the past. He left me to suffer in my mind and went to chat with others. 

I walked slowly to the buffet table, ignoring the people who greeted me. I picked up a plate and looked at the dishes which was laid down on the table. There was nothing that smelled or looked appetizing, so I kept the plate back and went to a corner. I leaned against the wall and stared at the people busy talking and laughing. 

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. This party is shit! Did Taehyung go home? I looked at my watch and I realized that I had wasted two hours here doing nothing. 

I think I will head back home.

Just as I was going to head out, I felt someone grab my hand and they pulled me back. I collided with the wall and saw a familiar girl in front of me.

"Alycia?" I stared at the black-haired girl in front of me as she giggled and placed a finger under my chin.

"Missed me?" she licked her lips and I sighed to myself. Could this day get any worse?

"Can you get your hands off of me?" I requested her, but she kept her hands on my chest and pushed me even more to the wall.

"Looks like your assistant isn't here. So that means, no one can disturb us," she whispered in front of my lips. Before I could push her away, she was ripped away from me and was thrown to the ground. What the...?

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH MY HUSBAND, YOU PIECE OF TRASH!" Leishi!? I was gaping at her as she glared at Alycia who was helplessly thrown on the floor.

"Your husband? I bet he doesn't love you at all," Alycia smirked and got up. Most of the people had surrounded us and were watching the two ladies quarrel. 

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