28. Fake Boyfriend

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Fake Boyfriend? Fake Boyfriend? The heck does he mean by that. I sat in front of my desk, chewing the back of my pen as I tried to think about what he had said that time.

Fake Boyfriends...we are not dating so why would he even say that? I looked up towards his desk and saw him rapidly typing away on his laptop. Suddenly he caught me staring at him and I just literally froze on spot.

"Why are you staring at me?" he asked and I shook my head. I bent down and looked at my papers, hoping he would go back to doing his work. But when I peeked at him, he was still staring at me.

"Why the heck are you staring at me?" I asked him and he smirked.

"Why can't I?"

"It's called bad manners when you stare at someone," I said, clearly annoyed by him back- answering me.

"You did that to me, so why can't I?" he replied and I mentally slapped my forehead. I shook my head and ignored his intense gaze on me. Why did I even give him a chance?

"Hey, Taehyung," he suddenly called out to me and I whipped my head harshly towards him, "When can I see your boyfriend?"

Huh? My boyfriend? Oh damn! I totally forgot I had one! Why the heck is he so curious to know who it is? I sighed and said, "Maybe after I get married to him."

"And when's that?" he asked me.

"Maybe next year," I said and suddenly that playful smirk on his face vanished and changed to a dull thin line. Why is he getting annoyed by that? I mean, if he still liked me he would do that, but he clearly hates me. But, what if he...?

"I see," he replied and tapped his fingers on the table in a rhythmic pattern, "So, can I see him?"


"I have not seen him at all. So, show me his picture at least. Don't tell me you don't have a photo of him?" he looked at me and I just stared at my laptop's screen. A picture of him? How am I supposed to show him a picture of a person who is not even real? 

"So?" he said and I looked back at him. I took out my phone and began to scroll through my gallery to look for someone to play as the character of my fake boyfriend. Someone who he hasn't met before. I saw mine and Minho's picture and decided to show him that, but then I realized I had already told him before that Minho wasn't my boyfriend. Did I tell or did he tell? But anyways, I can't show Minho's picture because he has already seen him and talked to him. 

I kept scrolling through the pictures when suddenly I saw the perfect person and internally smirked to myself. Of course! Jungkook has never met Taehyun at all. Maybe he did, but they never talked much and plus, Jungkook might not even know how Taehyun looks.

That means, I can choose Beomgyu as my fake boyfriend! What a genius I am! I searched through the hundred pictures of Beomgyu which Taehyun sent to me literally every day, talking about his wonderful day with his wonderful boyfriend and how much he doesn't miss me.

I saw the perfect picture and smiled to myself. Voila! Now to show—

"Who's that?"

"AHH!" I looked behind to see Jungkook staring at my phone. When did he even get here? 

"Who's that?" he asked me again and pointed to Beomgyu's picture. I almost forgot why Beomgyu's picture was there on my phone, when I suddenly remembered about it.

"Oh, this is...uhmm...this is my boyfriend, Ze..." What the hell was his name? Zesu? No, wait...ZETSU! "My boyfriend, Zetsu."

He snatched the phone from me and looked closely at the picture. What was he analyzing that boy for? "So, this is your boyfriend?"

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