1. Morning Interview

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Read the first book 'Fake Boyfriend' before reading this second book!

Seven years later~



"Shoo away, doggie," I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. 

"Aish! Get up or else I will...Ugh! GET UP!" suddenly something fell on me and I wailed.

"I DON'T WANT TO GET UP!" I yelled and yawned at the same time. I pushed the thing off of me and it fell on the floor. Good riddance! Now I can sleep. Suddenly something spanked my ass and I kicked in defense. My foot hit something soft and I heard someone groan. Did I...crap!? I opened my eyes and saw a mochi lying on the ground and it was kneeling forward. Shit! I kicked its stomach.

"Are you okay?" I asked it and it glared at me.

"Absolutely fine!" it gritted through its teeth and I nodded.

"Okay then, good night," I went back to sleeping, but at the same time the quilt was pulled away and I was left cold.

"It is so cold!" I whined and I received a kick on my legs.

"You have an interview today, dumbass," I opened my eyes and saw Jimin glaring at me. Oh, it is Jimin. Where did that Mochi go? Did Jimin eat it?

"Jimin," I said and he glared at me, "Why did you eat the mochi?"


"It was sitting on the floor and kneeling forward. It was in pain. Why did you eat it, Jimin?" Suddenly he whacked me on my head and I cried out, "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

"Are you calling me a mochi, huh?" he yelled at me.

"But I called that as a mochi and not—oh! So you are that mochi," I said and received another whack on the head.

"I am not a mochi. Remember that, piece of shit," he sighed and he threw my quilt on the floor. My quilt! It will get dirty, dumbass! "You have an interview in an hour. So get going!"

"Tell them I died while taking a bath," I mumbled and buried my face in my pillow.

"Fine. I will tell them that you died because your mother killed you," he said. Mother...killed...CRAP!

"TAEHYUNG!" I was kicked out of the bed and fell on the floor, "YOU HAVE A FRICKING INTERVIEW AND YOU ARE DOZING OFF!"

"M-mom!" I stuttered when I saw my mom standing near the bed with her hands on her hips and her eyes boring holes into my face.

"What do you mean 'mom', chicken head? I knew you will do something like this for the first day," she yelled at me and I gulped. Crap! I am dead.

"Uhmm...hi mom?" I said and I mentally slapped myself. What was that?

"Why are you still dumb?" she sighed and grabbed me by my shirt and dragged me to the bathroom despite me screaming for help. Jimin was just sitting on the bed and sipping water. Betrayer!

My mom threw me on the bathroom floor and glared at me, "Shower in ten minutes."

I nodded and immediately turned on the tap and the warm water fell on the floor. Wait...I looked at my mom who was staring at me.

"Uhmm...mom? Can you go out?" I asked her and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"I am your mom, stupid," she said and glared at me, "If I leave you here, you will stay here for the rest of your life. Now hurry up and take a bath."

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