3. I Am Back

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The next day~


Seoul. I stood in front of the airport and looked at the massive huge buildings of the place where I was born. 

I am back. 

I smiled and suddenly, I heard a crash behind me. I turned around and saw Leishi screaming at a guy for dropping her suitcase which contained her so-called valuable things. I shook my head and sighed. Why am I stuck with her? I am just going to ignore her as usual.

I can't wait to meet you guys.

A car came to pick us up and we both went and sat together. Yes. Together. Cause I am engaged to her. I looked out of the window as the car drove us to my home. I wonder how my mansion is now. I haven't been there for like...seven years. Maybe I should go visit it before I head back to America. But then, that was the place—

"Jungkookie," Leishi squealed with joy and I nodded, "I am so excited to be back here. Remember all the beautiful memories we made here?" Ahh! Beautiful memories in the sense all those times I pushed you away when you hurt 'him'. Yep! I remember all of them. Such beautiful memories.

We finally arrived at my house and I saw my mother standing in front of the door to welcome us. We got out and Leishi ran to hug my mother. Eww! Just seeing them hug brings the shivers. It is so...yucky! Don't ask me why.

"Young master." I looked to my side as I saw my favorite person standing in front of me.

"Lily!" I smiled at her and she smiled back, "How have you been?"

"I am fine, young master. What about you?"

"Even I am fine," I chuckled and she smiled.

"Okay then. All the best in handling the lady and your lady, young master," she winked at me and I sighed.

"Yeah. I need all the luck for handling them. I will be seeing you later," I said to her before entering the house. Same old place, but the perfume was too strong that it almost made me gag. Did she perfume the entire house or something? It is so disgusting.

My room! I hope she didn't contaminate that too.

I tip-toed to my room and I swung the door open and ran inside before the stinky smell entered in. I smelled and there was no sign of perfume. Thank god! I switched on the lights and the entire room lit up. It was...the same. Good! Looks like that lady didn't come in here.

I flopped down on my bed and sighed. Three...two...one...

"I AM BACK!" I yelled at the top of my voice. I laughed and threw my pillow on the wall. Okay, why did I do that? I got up and went to my desk. I knelt down to the last drawer and touched it. Where is the key? I tried to remember the place where I kept the key last time and I got up again to search for it.

I looked under the mattress and the carpet. I looked inside the pots and even my trophies. Okay, where did I—oh! Its there. It was lying on top of the ceiling fan. Don't judge me. That was the best place to hid a key. Nobody looks at the fan and plus, none of us use them. They were just existing. I got up on my chair and reached for the key. I snatched it and jumped down with a thud. 

I went to the locked drawer and inserted the key into the lock. I turned it and it opened with a click. I pulled open the drawer and saw the blue letter inside. I took it out and opened it. 

I read the first two sentences and later, kept it back in and locked the drawer. I sighed as I sat on the floor. How long will—

Suddenly the door banged open and random people barged into the room. What the—

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