15. Red And Pink

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Namjoon and Jin came to my house with an invitation to their wedding which was being held the very next day! But according to what they told me five months back was that they would do the wedding next year. 

"Jin couldn't wait till next year so, he asked me to do it within this month," Namjoon said and I slapped my forehead.

"Couldn't you have at least told me about it earlier" I asked and Namjoon just awkwardly smiled at me.

"Oy! Be glad you are invited to our wedding," Jin said and he looked at Namjoon before looking at me, "Only close friends and families are coming."


"Because it is our wedding, you idiot!" Jin said and I shrugged, "So are you coming?"

"We will come for sure," Jungkook said and I totally forgot he was existing here. Hold on, why was he here? Wait, let me remember. He followed me to my house for no reason and when I was about to kick him out, Namjoon and Jin came in.

"Oy! Aren't you supposed to be heading back home?" I asked him and he just smirked at me.

"Lazy," he said and went back to sipping his banana milk. I looked away from him and looked at the couple who were giving my puppy eyes.

"Please come to the wedding, Taehyungie!" Jin pleaded and I sighed.

"I will surely come for the wedding but—"

"YAY!" they both yelled and jumped on me to give me a hug. After hugging—or more like crushing me, they left us both and went to their next guest's house. They didn't even let me complete. I sighed and raked a hand through my hair as I thought of what to wear tomorrow.

"Ugh! What do I wear?" I ran to my room and checked my closet for any dress to wear for the wedding and unfortunately, there was none. There was my blue colored one, but I forgot to wash off the chilly sauce I spilled on it a year back.

"Out of clothes," Jungkook asked me and I nodded, "Why don't you go and buy some?"

"I have to ask my mom for money," I said and he looked puzzled at what I had just said.

"You don't have your own money to buy?" he asked me and I chuckled.

"I don't want to waste it on unnecessary things," I grinned at him and he shook his head. My money was only for buying anime merchandise and food, not for clothes and accessories.

"You are just...weird," he said and I frowned at him. Look who's talking, "Let's go for shopping now."

"But, I don't have money."

"My treat!" he winked at me and I shook my head.

"No need for—" before I could finish my sentence, he grabbed my hand and walked out of the house and to his car. We rode to the huge mall and went to a very expensive clothes store even though I begged him to go to another one which was totally cheap. He said something about them clothes being fake and useless and dragged me inside the rich place. 

With the help from the staff, we were able to find the place where they had the blazers, coats and tuxedo. 

"So, which one?" he asked me and I simply shrugged. There was so many of them and it was hard to choose.

"How about all?" I jokingly asked him and he was pretty shocked when I said that. 

"Fine, then," he smirked at me and it was my turn to be shocked. WHAT!? "I will buy the entire shop itself. Let me go to the—"

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