41. Hot Chocolate

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That night at the cabin was the best sleep I had even though it was in the middle of the forest and I wanted to sleep with him more, but when the first rays of sunlight hit the ground, we had to leave. The entire gang began to shoot questions at us right after we reached the base.

"Why the heck were you two missing? Why didn't you follow us?" Jin asked with a worried tone and patted both of our heads with a motherly affection, "I was so worried about you both. I thought a bear would have eaten you both precious dumplings." This was too motherly and weird coming from him.

Suga and Yoongi didn't care in the slightest. They just gave one look at us and went in their own ways when they saw our body was in perfect shape and we hadn't turned to ghosts.

"OMG! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FOOT!?" Jimin screamed at the top of his voice and bent down to look at my foot which had the elastic bandage around it, "Did you sprain it?"

"SPRAINED IT?!" Hobi yelled from the other side and came rushing towards us, "THIS IS WHY I HATE TREKKING! PEOPLE CAN DIE!"

And Hobi continued to rant about how trekking can kill people until Suga came up with a can of Sprite and handed it to him. Namjoon didn't overreact at both of us. He just patted our backs and asked us how we survived. When we told we had found a cabin nearby, all of them listened to us intently. 

I simply said that we slept on a single bed, which got them even more closer to us, but I just said we slept and nothing more. They looked sort of disappointed when I said that, but it might have been my imagination. 

We left the place and had gone back to our houses. I ran to Taehyung's since I didn't want to head home and see my mother who would start complaining about how I don't spend time with Leishi and blah blah blah. Taehyung didn't refuse me like before and we even slept every night, cuddling against each other and me begging for him to give me a goodnight kiss.

Even though, now I know that he sort of likes me, he is still figuring out. I have to legit beg him for a goodnight kiss. And the worst part, he is dating another guy. Absolutely amazing!

Currently I was with entire gang in my office. Taehyung had gone to his parents' house for spending some time with them and also, he had to tell his mom something really important. He didn't tell me what it was, so I let him go since I had something really important to think about too. I paced from left to right while the rest of them were busy eating their barbecued chickens which I had ordered for them.

"So what was the emergency?" Namjoon asked as he munched on a chicken piece.

"Taehyung's birthday is coming in a few days and I have no clue what to buy him," I said and suddenly Suga slammed his fist onto the glass table making all of us jump in surprise.

"You woke me up in the middle of my afternoon nap for this!" Suga's eyes looked like they were on fire and I nervously nodded. He leaned back on his chair as Hobi placed a hand on his shoulder, "You better finish this off fast before I mince you into pieces."

"Sorry," I apologized and looked at the others who were equally pissed for inviting them over for this reason, "Don't look at me like that! This is a problem. A crisis. If I don't get this right, I am going to be a single man my whole life. So you better help me."

"We are only going to help you because you gave us free food," Jin said and others agreed to it except for Suga and Yoongi who were already dozing off. Seriously?! Never mind those two, I have the others to help me.

"What does Taehyung like?" Namjoon asked me and before I could tell, Jimin intervened.

"Anime and hot guys." Hot guys? Shouldn't it be 'Hot guys from Anime' or 'Anime and hot guys from anime'?

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