38. Wife?

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We trekked and trekked and trekked for hours and my poor legs were paining. I could see the others dying behind me and in front was Ara peacefully skipping on rocks. 

Taehyung was right beside me, panting and crawling like a dog and for some reason, it looked sexy. Don't ask me why. 

Three kisses and a peck on the cheek. How am I still alive? Am I not supposed to melt under his touches? As I dreamt of our kisses and other things, I heard Taehyung groan beside me.

"How did we climb this hill when we were kids?" he asked me and I simply shrugged. Probably that time we were weightless or something. Taehyung insisted on taking a break and I sat down on a rock along with him. He took out his bottle and began to take sips of water from it.

"Remember the bear which we had seen here?" Taehyung asked me and I rewind back to the times when we were together. Oh yeah! That bear that nearly killed us.


"Do you actually believe that we saw a bear? I mean, Yoongi told me it wasn't there when he was spying at us."

"Of course, it was real! I mean, I am not sure..." I scratched my chin and shrugged. I forgot everything about the trip except for some memories which were worth keeping in my heart.

"I...remember!" Jimin wheezed as he sat on the muddy ground, "There was...no...BEAR! SO GIVE ME WATER!"

In fright, Taehyung threw the bottle at him and somehow, he managed to catch it. Instead of taking sips, he gulped down the entire thing. Greedy pig! After finishing it, he smacked his lips and handed the empty bottle back to him, "I am finally refreshed."

Taehyung sighed and stuffed the empty bottle in his bag. We got up to trek again when the rest had gathered at our spot. They all laid down and tried to catch their breath, but me and Taehyung went on up. 

"Do you think the ghost still exists?" I asked Taehyung who simply shrugged, "When I kicked her, it sort of felt...human?"

"Maybe," he mumbled and took a deep breath before climbing over a rock, "I don't really remember that night except for the fact that I was to be her husband and you were supposed to die."

"Yeah," I softly chuckled and climbed up the steep hill. I was literally sweating and because of that, my denim shirt was starting to get real uncomfortable. I removed it and tied it securely around my hip. I looked up and saw Taehyung staring at me. What is he...? Oh, muscles.

I walked towards him and he snapped out his daze, "Fantasizing about me?"

"No," he pushed my chest and walked in front. I smiled and followed him.

For the entire time till the evening settled in, we walked and took breaks in between. When we found a spot which wasn't steep or dangerous, we put out our sleeping bags. We had only one tent which was for Ara to sleep in while the rest of us had to sleep in our sleeping bags.

We set up a fire with the dry wooden branches and sticks we found around and sat in a circle around it. Ara was tired so she decided to sleep early.

"I am exhausted!" Jimin groaned and put his head on Yoongi's head, who was just staring at the fire, "How did we climb this hill seven years back?"

"We were younger that time," Namjoon said and we all nodded. But that doesn't mean we lost our bones in only seven years.

"Did you know that these grounds are haunted by a ghost?" Jin said and all of a sudden I felt something grab my arm. I looked to my side and saw Taehyung clinging onto me. Seven years have passed and he still believes in ghosts.

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