57. Off To Japan

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"Yippee! I am finally going to Japan!" I yelled and ran around the house, waking up every sleepy human being who was busy dreaming.

"Yippee! I am finally going out with my Tae baby!" Jungkook yelled and ran behind me. We laughed and chased each other all around the sort of empty, dark house. He caught up to me and we both fell down on the ground, hugging each other and laughing at the top of our lungs.


"SHUT UP, YOU DOGS!" we bolted up and saw our mothers glaring at us. But when we saw their faces, we screamed at the top of our voice.

"ZOMBIES!" Jungkook and I yelled and hugged each other as we continued to yell at their scary faces. Our moms groaned and slapped their foreheads.

"Why the heck does everyone mistaken beauty masks as zombie faces?" my mom mumbled and then bellowed at us, "Why the hell are you both up so early?! Huh?!"

"Because today we are going to Japan!" I squealed with joy and was immediately whacked on the head by my mother with a plastic spatula. Where did she get that from?

"Do you know what time is it now?" Jungkook's mother pointed to the wall clock and we nervously chuckled, "2:00 a.m. in the morning and you are both yelling and dancing around like a bunch of monkeys."

"We were only singing," Jungkook mumbled and received a whack from his mother with the same spatula.

"But we are supposed to get up now, right? I mean, we have to catch the flight by 4:00 a.m., right?" I said and they slapped their foreheads again. 

"4:00 p.m.," my mom said and they suddenly grabbed our pajama shirts and dragged us back to our rooms, "4:00 p.m. the flight is scheduled, not 4:00 a.m. IDIOTS! Don't you know the difference?"

She threw us in and slammed the door shut and even locked it from the outside. We groaned and got up, rubbing our poor butts which slammed the floor pretty hard.

"Damn it! It's your fault for not hearing properly," I glared at Jungkook who gasped at my sudden change in expression.

"My fault? My fault!? Excuse me, I am not the one who said that. Jimin told me that the flight was at 4:00 a.m. and—THAT IDIOT!" he balled his fists and glared at his phone, while I just face-palmed myself. Remember one thing: never trust Jimin.

We went back to our bed and buried ourselves under the comfy, warm quilt. I winced when Jungkook accidently kicked my leg.

"Shit! Are you okay? So sorry for that," he apologized as I rubbed the spot he kicked me at.

"It's okay, Jungkook," I said and patted his head, "It has already been two months, so it is fine now and perfectly healed."

"Thank god!" he sighed and went back to sleeping. Yep, it has already been two months since all that shit happened. I was finally healed and was currently sleeping with Jungkook in Namjin's  house because we are all going to Japan!

"You are expected to leave in just..." he looked at his watch and cleared his throat again, "in thirty minutes."

"WHAT?!" we all yelled at the man who jumped in fright at our sudden outburst.

"How can he leave just like that? Do you know that he is still recovering from a broken leg, dislocated ribs and a squashed hand? How the heck can you order him to go back to Japan?!" Jungkook yelled at the poor man who was shivering from the sudden raise in Jungkook's voice.

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