44. Together Forever

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"Happy birthday son!" my dad ran out of his room and towards the door where I was standing and hugged me for a second before patting my back, "Good thing you came for dinner. Your mother was on the verge of crying because—"

"SHUT UP!" A shoe came flying from nowhere and hit the back of his head. He winced and rubbed his head as my mom exited from the kitchen and walked towards us.

"I did not cry, you liar!" she crossed her hands in front of her chest and glared at my poor dad, "It was the onions that made me cry. Oh and I forgot, happy birthday, Taehyung."

"Thanks mom," I grinned when she went into her room and came back with a rectangular shaped object which was wrapped with a red gift wrapping paper. My insides were screaming and jumping around with excitement as she handed it to me. I carefully removed the gift, afraid that my mom might start barking at me for ripping the wrapping cover.

I removed the paper and gaped at the object in my hand, "FAIRY TAIL: 100 YEARS QUEST VOL 1 MANGA! THIS IS THE BEST GIFT I HAVE EVER GOT!"

"Your father asked your grandfather to buy it for your birthday," she smiled and I hugged her. She was taken aback by the sudden action, but she hugged me for a second before she screamed into my ears.

"JUNGKOOK! I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE COMING!" I knew she would say that. I pulled away and she ran to him. 

"No hug for me," my dad pouted and I chuckled before hugging him. He ruffled my hair as I pulled away. I looked back at Jungkook who was smiling at my mom as she continued to blabber some random things to him. He caught my eye, begging me to help him. Pitying him, I cleared my throat and whined, "I am hungry! Can we eat?"

My mom gave me a death glare, but it softened as she guided us to the dining table which was filled with all sorts of delicacies. My mouth watered and my stomach growled as I scanned the entire table. This is why I love my birthday. Mom doesn't get pissed and she won't kill me and also, lots and lots of food. 

"Thank you for the food."

We all ate the dinner quietly. I smiled with delight as my mom's food melted my insides with its delicious, out-of-the-world flavors. I could see Jungkook was enjoying it too.

"I forgot to tell you this, Taehyung," my dad suddenly spoke and I looked up at him, "Your grandfather wants to meet you."

"Oh, okay. When should I go to—"

"Why didn't you tell me that?" my mom suddenly asked my dad, who gave her a confused look. 

"I thought I told you yesterday night about it. His grandfather wants to see his face. It has been really long since you last met him, right Taehyung?" he asked me and I nodded. It was really long. I was busy with studies and didn't get a chance to meet him.

"He is not going," my mom said and shook her head, "That old idiot will spoil him."

"Huh? But I want to go," I whined and she glared at me with those deadly eyes. I looked away and decided not to talk about it. Maybe one day, grandfather would come riding on his fancy sleigh and take me away with him to Japan. 

"And also, Richard is married to Luna and not Kaylie," my father suddenly brought up that topic and I mentally groaned. Not that shit again.

"He is married to Kaylie, you chicken head," my mom replied and stabbed the poor prawn piece with her fork, "Richard dated Luna but he married Kaylie."

"No. He married Kaylie, but he divorced and married Luna."

"Why the heck would he marry that slut?! He broke up with her because she slept with over a hundred guys." Woah! That's a lot.

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